Happy Holidays (Texas x Lappland)

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A/N: TADA! Special surprise update! There will be more to come, so feel free to comment your suggestions on what you would like to see. And with that, let's begin!


"Hey Texas!"

"Yes Lappland?"

The two of them were in the kitchen of their home together, steam fizzling up from the pans they had cooked with earlier. It had been so busy earlier, what with the holiday party with all their friends, but now it was just the two of them. The quiet was like the light snow outside. It made next to no sound and coated the hidden grass in a glittering white sheen turned silver in the moonlight.

"There's this thing I wanna try with you." Lappland's smirk could practically be heard from outdoors for how pleased she sounded. Texas's guard went up, her hands that had been busy scrubbing plates clean before slotting them in the wash stilling. That was hardly ever good to hear. Lappland's devious nature had a way of irking her.

But it was almost that time of year again, and with the tree set up, the stockings hung over the fireplace with care, flames licking at wooden logs and a plethora of presents stashed underneath the pine, Texas decided to indulge.

"And that would be?" She questioned.

"Look up and you'll find out." Lappland murmured.

And so she did.

Lappland was dressed in a green dress, a cute ribbon of silver satin tied at the back. It went together well with her red dress that apparently brought out the red in her tail and hair. The red bow Exusiai wanted to tie on her was still there. It flicked with her every movement like a sashaying ribbon. Lappland's green bow moved much more frantically when her bicolored eyes traveled up to the object held above Lappland's head. The little sprig of leaves dangled in the air with her girlfriend's glee.


"Mistletoe?" She stared at it.

She knew exactly what Lappland wanted, but in moments like these it was best to play coy.

"Yup. Mistletoe. And you know what that means." Pointedly the spruce was dangled even more.

"Noooooo. What does it mean Lappland?"

Lappland huffed, a little sulky. But then a flicker of something else lit up her eyes. "If you don't know, then I guess it's up to me to enlighten you."

There were those suggestive steps forward. That green ribbon was swaying slowly, borderline seductively. Scratch that, it was seductively. Texas found her gaze drawn to the subtle swaying. It was like a leaf a child would chase around in their backyard, so close yet still just out of reach. But with Lappland closing the distance between them it was not out of reach for long. The heat inside her rose when the white wolf came to a stop before her. The mistletoe sprig hung over both of their heads from her raised hand.

And it was in that moment Texas decided foreplay was a waste of time.

So she did the only reasonable thing.

Grabbing Lappland by the upper hem of her dress to yank her into a searing kiss.

"Texas— Wha— mmmph!"

At first her girlfriend reacted with startled surprise. Even after their years together, seeing Texas initiate their spicy moments impulsively like this was abnormal. But it did not take long for her to adapt. While she was exploring the inside of Lappland's mouth that hands were tugging on the fine hairs at the nape of her neck. Peppermint with a hint of chocolate was shared between them. Texas chased the euphoria of the moment until the need for air became impossible to ignore. The pair broke apart, gasping for the breath they lost in the heat of their passion. The mistletoe was left forgotten on the floor.

Panting for air, the duo stared at each other in silence for a moment.

Which Lappland broke with her smug smirk.

"Guess you didn't have to be enlightened after all, now did you Texas~?"

She rolled her eyes. "Shut up." But her annoyance was betrayed by an eager hand tugging Lappland in for what was sure to be a similarly passionate second kiss as the snow continued to fall outside the window.


A/N: Short and sweet but no less fun to write. I hope y'all enjoyed!

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