Cuddles (Lappland x Texas)

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A/N: So as the caption to the photo says, this is the sequel to Apple Pie! Hope y'all enjoy, and let me know what pairings you want to see next.


(THE SHORT CONVERSATION RIGHT BEFORE) (mainly between Texas and Courier and a little bit of Exusiai)

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(THE SHORT CONVERSATION RIGHT BEFORE) (mainly between Texas and Courier and a little bit of Exusiai)

"Hey, I think you should go see Lappland," Courier said.

"Why?" Texas asked. Her amber-blue gaze was fixed on her girlfriend, paying minimal attention to him. Matterhorn was discussing different pie flavors with the Sankta. The two seemed to be in deep conversation.

"Well, she seemed pretty lonely and upset . . ." Courier entailed.

"Hmm, she's probably just jealous." Texas said with a shrug.

"O-oh, so you know then?" He was surprised.

"That she likes me? Yeah, it's pretty obvious. We did use to date and I . . ." Texas trailed off. There was a sadness to her voice, combined with a longing he couldn't fully grasp.

"Oh. But you and Exusiai are together now right?" He wanted to understand.

"Yes, but . . ." Texas let her voice die again.

"But what Texas?" A new voice joined them. Exusiai and Matterhorn must've ended their conversation already, the pair coming back to join the other duo. There were pie crumbs on the angel's pale face. Reflexively, Texas reached over to wipe them off with the pad of her thumb. Exusiai kisses the pie covered skin, licking the sweet crumbs right off. Texas smiled, her cheeks a rosy pink.

"Exusiai, I . . ." She still seemed flustered. Matterhorn sent Courier a questioning look, one prompting an explanation. He motioned that they would talk later.

"You like her too, don't you?" Exusiai asked. It wasn't a question, nor really.

Silence. And then.

"Maybe, but that doesn't change how I feel about you," Texas said, as if desperate to make sure Exusiai knew this.

"I know. And I know you'd never do anything to hurt me. I want you to be happy Texas." Exusiai seemed to glow with a brilliance unmatched by the sun. Her heart was pure. They were lucky to have her working at Rhodes Island.

"You do?"

"Of course. And if that means sharing you with Lappland then so be it."

"Exusiai, you're . . . you're sure?"

"Yep. I am."

The furious tail wagging Exusiai got for a response made the Sankta's smile wider. Glee was on her face as she and Texas hugged. Courier looked towards the kitchen entrance. Lappland had long since disappeared. Hopefully that wouldn't change anything.


Lappland sat down with a heavy sigh, her silver eyes staring drolly at the ground. She hadn't meant to walk in on such a personal moment. And when she had, Lappland had honestly wanted to turn right around and walk out. Something about seeing Texas with someone else left a bitter taste in her mouth. Her heart squeezed tightly in her chest. It pained her to think of what she lost. Seeing it on display was like a kick to the face with a steel toed boot.

"Oh Texas . . . I miss you . . ." She mumbled quietly. They used to be that close. Why couldn't they have that again.

"I hope she makes you happy." Lappland whispered, her voice barely audible even to her own ears. Unbeknownst to her, footsteps were approaching. Her misery went so deep she didn't pick up on them at all.

Lappland visibly tensed as someone sat down beside her. Turning her head, blush bloomed on her face when she realized just who it was. Texas. You're here. Texas was so warm next to her, so physical, so real. She almost could not believe it. But it had to be Texas. The other woman was gnawing on the pocky stick between her lips, not acting bothered by Lappland's presence whatsoever.

"T-Texas . . ." She stuttered out the other Lupo's name. All those weeks of being ignored outside of scathing glares only to have this happen. Texas was so close she could smell her scent clear as day. The fresh wilderness had long since vanished from her, but there was still a fresh smell of breeze and something inexplicably sweet like chocolate.

"Mmm." Texas didn't say a word, just hummed. Lappland took her lack of dismissal as permission. Shyly, she leaned against Texas, pressing even closer. If this was a dream she was going to take as much advantage of it as possible.

Her heart stuttered to a halt with Texas's next actions however, topping everything that had happened in the past few minutes.

Because after Texas took her pocky stick out between her lips, keeping it poised between her fingers like a utensil of sorts she moved even closer. Texas leaned against her with her full body weight, plastering against Lappland like a starfish to a bucket at sea. The icing on the cake was when Texas left her head against Lappland, initiating a full on snuggle. The gesture was so familiar, so sweet, and it sent warmth all up and down her entire body from her face to toes. She keened at the touch, sighing with a relief she hadn't even realized was building up in her chest. This was bliss; this was happiness. This was Lappland with a pliant, willing Texas beside her. Her tail was fluffed up and wagging, expressing her happiness through more than just the smile on her face.

Even if this moment wasn't real, Lappland was going to enjoy it as long as she could.

And so were Courier and Matterhorn, who awed at the adorable pair while out of the Lupos' view.


A/N: Did I use this paired comic as a chance to slide in Texas/Exusiai/Lappland? I sure as heck did and I'm not sorry. But, of course there will be plenty more for each separate pairing of these girls (and more from this verse too cause these three are just great!).

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