Adoration 3

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Sora was no Exusiai when it came to knowing and understanding Texas's inner-workings, but she knew where the dark haired Lupo liked to go when she needed to think. The short ride up in the elevator was filled with intermingling thoughts and worries. She was concerned about the outcome of all this to such a degree that the illusion around her was slipping. Her ears went from the small triangles she was accustomed to over to the long, slender ears she was born with. A bit of energy on her part put this problem at ease, however her hands still shook when the door finally opened. In the short passage between the next door and the outside she was clenching those willy fingers tightly into fists to force the trembles out.

This confrontation would go one of two ways.

It was up to her, and the person waiting on the other side of that door to determine the outcome.

Sora wasn't about to screw up her end of things.

Reaching out she grasped the metal doorknob. It was one of the few in their building —most of them were either handles or automatic— so the way her fingers curled around it was a bit of a foreign sensation. She didn't come up here often, especially not this time of year with the weather being so cold. Exusiai and Sora were practically forbidden from being up on the roof for long periods of time —per Texas's request— because they simply did not do well in cold temperatures.

Pretty ironic considering where they'd been a few weeks before, battling in a frozen wasteland.

This almost distracted her, but the chill seeping through the door brought her back into focus.

Just keep calm. Don't be nervous. It was about time she knew anyways.

Taking one more inhale to steel herself, Sora opened the door. It seemed to groan as she pushed forward, hinges whining in protest to years of use and the cold weather. Businesses who'd owned this place decades ago had not taken care of many of the doors. Emperor had replaced many, but this one went unnoticed. She would tell someone though something told her Texas liked the physical alert of a loud noise. Wolves weren't the type to enjoy being caught off guard, this much everyone knew.

Cold wind briskly struck her face as she exposed herself to the night. The rain from earlier was turning to snow as the temperature descended further, to the below freezing point. A thermostat on the exiting wall confirmed this just as easily as the snowflakes gracing her cheeks. So chilly, how could anyone stand to be out here long. One glance at her watch confirmed the late hour. With a steady approach to midnight Sora knew it was now or never.

It didn't take long to find Texas. There was nowhere to hide up on the roof aside from the small water reserve tucked behind the Penguin Logistics sign. But Texas wasn't the type to squander herself in a small space. The dark haired wolf, subject of her affection, was leaning against the roof ledge, elbows propping her up as she stared off into distant space. Cars honked and an alarm rung somewhere in the city below. Sora paid them no mind. Her attention was only on the person with their back turned to her.

A small puff of air rose from Texas with each exhale, the only real sign she wasn't some sort of statue. But at least she isn't smoking. One piece of information Exusiai had spilled early on in her employment with Penguin Logistics: Texas used to smoke. Sora had yet to see it, probably because Texas had quit for her. And good for her for doing so.

"Texas?" She hated how that came out as a question. Just be yourself Sora. Be confident. This is what you want. You can do it. But any mental cheering was submerged with a heavy cloud of nerves. They rattled at her lungs, attempting to keep her from speaking entirely. "It's me, Sora."

"Yes. I know."

Short and curt, a Texas specialty. It should've made her feel at ease. Instead, those clipped words left her gut churning. Can I really do this? Maybe this was all just some stupid mistake. If Texas ran off it was likely because she didn't return her feelings. Sora wouldn't be surprised if politeness and a sense of friendship caused Texas to act out to protect their status as friends. Texas is too kind for her own good. With this in mind she felt compelled to say the next words.

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