Joke (SilverAsh, Pramanix , Cliffheart, ft Male Doctor)

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A/N: So . . . if you don't know what's being referenced in this chapter I really can't help you. And on that note, hope y'all enjoy!


SilverAsh was a lot of things.

He was brave, smart, and probably richer than most people he came across. As the Chairman of Karlan Commercial, and a man who made it his mission to be well-versed in everything he was not to be trifled with.

So why, why, why did someone think it was a good idea to make this joke?

He stared at the slightly crushed paper in his hands. Crumpled by his own harsh grip, the words spelled out across it made his eyebrows raise and an unexpected well of anger rise in his chest. Matterhorn and Courier eyed him warily. Despite the fact that the two of them were shorter than himself, they were his trusted bodyguards and friends. They would not lie to him.

So when they told him about this rumor going around, he had known it was true.

How dare someone say such a thing about my family.

It was with anger brewing in the depths of his veins that he knocked on the door. Three rapts with quick succession, noises that should have been small thuds coming off as loud booms in the quiet hallway. He waited patiently at the door, ignoring the nameplate nestled above the window. The man inside was probably busy yet this matter could not go without immediate attention.

"Come in! The door's unlocked."

SilverAsh turned the knob with more force than strictly necessary, his pet hawk perched on his shoulder nearly falling off in the process. He offered his small feathered friend a short apology before striding into the room. As expected, the Doctor was sitting at his desk. A stack of documents were in front of him. Whatever there purpose was they were covered in red and black into. Redacted black smudges hid information at the bottom and it didn't take him long to realize what exactly the Doctor was looking at, especially when he caught sight of the smiling face and cat-like ears and bell in the photo attached. He wondered how much the Doctor already knew.

"SilverAsh. I wasn't expecting visitors today."

Eyebrows furrowed as the other male took in the operator's state. It was hard to tell what the Doctor saw in him at that moment. He better know I'm upset. This partnership won't work if we can't effectively communicate. Most people back home thought it strange that Karlan Commercial was partnering up with Rhodes Island. Their business and that of the pharmaceutical company's didn't seem to coincide to an outsider's perspective. But an insider like himself knew better. Even if their arrangement was slightly unfair for Karlan Co, it would be worth it in the end.

"I know. And I'm sorry for the intrusion. I'm sure your very busy with paperwork." The little goat girl had told him as much on his way in. He had paid her little mind, promising to make it up to the Doctor later. Impromptu meetings, while not professional, were necessary at times.

"Yes, but that'll always be the case I'm afraid. Is something the matter?"

"Can't friends just hold casual conversation?" SilverAsh murmured.

Doctor shrugged. "Sure, but I can tell that's not what your here for. Whatever you have to say, don't worry about saying it. I'll make sure you get a full explanation in before I say anything about it."

SilverAsh nodded. He expected as much from the renowned Doctor. Even with his lack of memories he knew how to make discussion and give off an air of comfort. It was likely the reason so many new operators were at Rhodes Island now. Having good, strong leaders is what makes an organization flourish.

"Okay then. I'll tell you. I'm not sure if you've been made aware of this, but a rumor has been going around." He began. "It has to do with you, myself and my sisters."

"Huh? There's a rumor? What about? Oh, and how about you have a seat, get comfortable."

And there was yet another quality of the Doctor's. This one was less useful by far.

Blatant ignorance was a double-edged sword.

SilverAsh took a seat in one of the chairs Doctor waved at. His fluffy tail curled up on his lap like a coiled rope. The silver spots on it appeared a dark gray in the lighting, like smudges of acrylic paint on a canvas. The plush armchair was easy to sink into. He found himself leaning back against it to take a load off as his mind commiserated over yet another awkward conversation.

Because how exactly was he supposed to bring this rumor up that wouldn't make it sound tremendously awful? Both of his sisters had been made aware of it already. Cliffheart had taken it with great amusement, her laughter so loud it bounced off cafeteria walls. But Pramanix had been another story. He still remembered the tears and angry red blush.

"You better fix this brother!"

"I will! I promise!"

And that was how he found himself here. SilverAsh was determined to put this matter to rest. If not for his sisters then for Rhodes Island and Karlan Commercial's sake. This rumor could damage a lot of reputations. And to add to that, it made him look like a horrible brother in the eyes of outsiders, another thing he wouldn't stand for.

"Thank you. As I was saying, there's a rumor going around. It has to do with you, my sisters, and myself."

The Doctor nodded considering. "I hope it's nothing too awful. Cliffheart's been doing so much better since she's gotten treatment here, and to my understanding Pramanix thinks of this place as a place to unwind."

SilverAsh let his frown become a smile. His sisters did flourish here, and this was something he greatly appreciated. He would do anything for his family, even if it meant leaving them here while he handled business back home. He trusted Rhodes Island despite their mysterious goals. I hope my trust isn't misplaced. There was no telling where the rumor had come from, but since its introduction the nasty thing had spread like wildfire.

"Yes. My sisters mean the world to me as you well know. I'll do anything to secure their happiness by any means."

"So this rumor is threatening that happiness?" Doctor pondered aloud.

"Yes. And it damages my family's pride. This problem must be rectified immediately." SilverAsh said with every ounce of sternness he could muster. It was hard to be mad when the Doctor in front of him clearly hadn't the slightest clue what was going on.

"Okay then. Tell me what the rumor is so I can dismiss it. I'll make an announcement over the intercom today if there's still time. And if there isn't I'll bring it up at the meeting tomorrow."

"Very well. The rumor is . . ." Face flushing at the absurdity of it all, SilverAsh found himself leaning forward to whisper the horrible words into the doctor's ears. The hood the male had been wearing slipped off as the words passed over to him. For once SilverAsh was able to see the Doctor react in full to something, and the expression he received matched what he had felt a short while ago.

"What!? Someone actually said that. B-but, b-but, there's no way. I mean . . ."

He leaned back, face still heated. "So you see why my sisters and I are upset, yes? This cannot be allowed to continue."

Doctor Y/N nodded vigorously. "Yes, yes I do. I'll handle it immediately."

"Good. That's all I ask."


A/N: If you still have any doubts as to what kind of brother SilverAsh actually is please read his lore. Seriously, the meme has gone on long enough. Let me know what y'all think in the comments and don't forget to vote.

Suggestions are appreciated! Expect the conclusion of the Battle arc to come out soon (also in the works is a Exusiai x Texas x Lappland multiple piece story, among others hehe). 

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