Apple Pie (Texas x Exusiai)

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A/N: So for this book I'm taking suggestions for future chapters from the comments section. Most of these won't relate to one another so unless I specifically say so you don't need to worry about it.

(This one-shot was inspired by this lovely comic shown below.)

Texas usually ignored her own personal hunger when it came to work

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Texas usually ignored her own personal hunger when it came to work. The job just always deserved a higher place in her life, the mission a distraction from so many other things she was dealing with. But not everyone operated the same way she did.

Exusiai was one of those different people.

She'd meant what she said when she told Doctor that Exusiai was her polar opposite. The loud, outgoing angel was all that she could never be. Her partner was someone who loved to be up and doing things. In no way did she provide the seclusion Texas needed to relax and unwind.

So it was strange just how well they got along.

And thanks to how well they got along, Texas had picked up on the several minuscule habits and gestures Exusiai exhibited on a day to day basis. The way she made cute little snores in her sleep, how carefully she managed her favorite gun, the subtle twitches in her face when she was about to smile that broad grin of hers. Yes, Texas understood Exusiai on a practically instinctual level. So she knew now, before even a word was said, that Exusiai was hungry.

And it all started with the rumbling in her stomach.

They had just gotten back from a supply run. The mission was a simple one, with skin deep injuries for the medics to treat once they got back to Rhodes Island. Texas and Exusiai were walking out of the loading deck together. Texas was stowing away some supplies in the drop box, letting her angel partner be left to her own devices for a moment.

"Ugh, we were fighting for so long my halo feels like it wants to fall off." Exusiai grumbled. Her head was hung forward, eyes blinking tiredly.

"Can that actually happen?" Texas asked absentmindedly. The rows upon rows of shelves were crammed full of stuff. Hardly surprising, considering the many plans the Doctor had for the resources. Something about E2ing someone . . . Whatever that meant. Exusiai had told her they were both E2ed already, so she guessed she had nothing to worry about.

"Nah. At least I don't think so . . . oh."

"Something wrong?"


Exusiai seemed to cave in on herself, her wings even seeming to droop. Texas knew this stance, the rumbling easy to pick out in the small room. "Urgh. I'm so hungry Texas. If only I could have some apple pie . . ."

Texas stared at her friend for a few seconds more, studying her carefully. After all the hard work of the day, the last thing she wanted was to task herself further. The call of her bed was a blessed dream, as was the pocky box stashed under her pillow. And yet . . .

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