Exquisite (Shwarz x Ceylon)

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Schwarz stiffly stood in the entryway to the dormitory. The beach theme to the room reminded her of Siesta. She knew it was meant to calm her, but then there was the presence of so many other people she hardly knew in the room that left her feeling standoffish. One of them waved to her in greeting as they looked up —the fluffy tailed wolf— but that was all as she turned her yellowish gaze back to her companion. The red hood the other wolf wore reminded her of a hunter, but the pleased expression Red wore as she ran deft fingers through fluffy fur as the pair sat on the couch together said anything but ferocious killer.

"Hmm. This place is okay I suppose."

She spoke the words quietly to herself, letting her mind be soothed by the oceanic background. The sounds of waves splashing against the shoreline echoed from her memory. Siesta was gone but not forgotten. The beaches were covered in volcanic ash and hardened lava —hardly a safe place to live— but she found herself missing it. An assassin who thought of herself as having no home missed the one place where she had allowed herself happiness.

"Schwarz you're here!"

She turned around just in time to see none other than Lady Ceylon plastering herself to her. The embrace was tight despite how lean the other woman was, the several layers of petticoats flouncing between them, the material at the end pressing against the steel flooring. Schwarz returned the hug as best she could. After years of being Ceylon's bodyguard she should've known how to be more affectionate, but some part of her felt awkward after all these years. Perhaps it would be easier if she hadn't received all the assassin training years ago. Masters who had taught her to be wary of her surroundings regardless of the situation left her forever on edge. It didn't help that everyone here knew her profession, especially Ceylon. Schwarz had never intended for the other woman to find out her backstory. She worried so much about how it might affect their relationship.

So far, however, these worries went unfounded.

"Ceylon. I didn't see you come in." She admitted.

Ceylon preened, the feathers in her hair ruffling as she cuddled up against the assassin a moment more before pulling away. "I know. That was the plan."

"I don't know if surprising me here is a good idea. I wouldn't recommend it in the future Ceylon."

It still felt strange to not say Milady, or at least Lady before Ceylon. As of late, each time she had Ceylon told her off for it. She endeavored not to hear anymore complaints, even if the lack of addressing words felt strange on her tongue. This missing formality made her feel like the two of them were somehow closer. Schwarz hardly understood it, just like she couldn't comprehend the warmth she had whenever Ceylon was around.

Ceylon rolled her eyes. "If it were up to you I would never surprise you."

She couldn't disagree with that. Less surprises meant less tensing up in public. The Doctor regularly came by her dorm to see how she was settling in. Every time an operator caught her off guard —making her freeze up— her reports of being comfortable and happy felt like an adamant lie. But it wasn't as though she could tell the truth. The truth that she wasn't used to interacting with so many people. It was an awkward revelation to give and it made her fear how badly it would make Lady Ceylon, no, Ceylon look.

"Yes, that's true," Schwarz said.

"C'mon Schwarz, surprises aren't a bad thing."

Her memory rolls in a tape in black and white. Gunshots crash into the night, bullets lodging into trees. Breathing labored as she runs, water rippling as she splashes through the shallow depths of a marsh. The voices grow louder. Her bow is at the ready, handling stragglers shouldn't be so problematic. But these people were smart; she would have to act quick.

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