Drawings (F!Doctor x Thorns)

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He thumbed the page carefully, the pad sweeping over the face he'd so lovingly drawn over the past few days. There was a certain simplicity to all her expressions. The way she smiled, the scrunch of her nose when she was about to sneeze, that strange yet endearing laugh she had . . . he couldn't describe where all this emotion came from, wasn't much for deciphering the innermost feelings in his heart, but there was no denying it.

And so he drew, each line continuing to outline his newest masterpiece.

He was propped against a wall, one leg hanging off the side of the rail he perched on. Someone, somewhere would probably tell him how dangerous this was, how he should not be up there on the roof to begin with. But Thorns was nothing if not original. And this was one of the most quietest places to go, whether it be to think or draw. Or sometimes both.

The gentle silence of the outside atmosphere was all the company he had till footsteps sounded. He knew it was her just from the resonating squeak of those boots. There had been a spill on the stairs earlier that day, making it more prominent than usual. Thorns carefully flipped to a blank page as her soft humming grew closer. Let the nosiness begin.

"Thorns! I thought I'd find you here." Doctor Y/N greeted.

He turned to nod at her in greeting, taking note of her ensemble. The classic hood had been forgone to reveal the lovely face he found himself taking hours on. Her hair cascaded down her back in waves of smoothed perfection. But it was her eyes that drew him in the most. They practically glowed with the light she seemed to carry in her, and it made it that much harder to believe all those rumors of who she had been in the past. How could someone like her have such darkness? He would never understand.

"Doctor Y/N. You just got back from your meeting hmm?" Pretending was best. It would be poor taste to appear too interested. At least, that was what he thought. Elysium would likely tell him otherwise.

"Just go for it Thorns."

"Hah. Yeah. It didn't go as well as I'd hoped though."

"Kal'tsit bothering you again?" He asked, feigning disinterest.

Thorns was perfectly aware of the heavy dislike the feline doctor directed towards Y/N. It was clear she carried bad blood for the preamnesiac doctor. But what exactly happened between them to cause such a divide is unclear. He found it somewhat disappointing that the woman still held a grudge over Y/N, who had no recollection of those days now. And likely never will again.

"It's not so much that she's bothering me as it is that she doesn't like me. I just feel awkward around her, I guess. Amiya so clearly wants us to get along and I'm trying to but—"

"But it's not that easy." He finished simply.

"Yeah." Y/N agreed.


The notebook in his lap showcased a blank page as Y/N leaned over to look at it with her curiosity abound. Her brows furrowed. "I thought you would have started drawing by now." She admitted.

"Oh. I did." There was no harm in admitting it, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Really? Can I see what you're working on then?"

And there it was. Whenever they hung out she always asked, and most of the time he told her no. This was mainly because the work was not finished, and he liked seeing the pouting look she would give. It was cute. But as he doubted he would see her pout when she was in such somber spirits, Thorns found himself with the willingness to be abnormal.


Maybe it was time.

He passed her the sketch book, fingers smoothly skating over the leather bound book as they had for years. Thorns knew the book about as well as he knew himself. All it's secrets were privy to him and him alone. Until now.

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