Adoration 2

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"You admire me?"

Texas stared at Sora, her thoughts that were normally so calm and simple were tossed out the window after being lit with a lighter of truth. The ground seemed kicked out from under her as the shock appearing on her own face was reflected in Sora. The disguised bunny was gaping at her, as if the revelation was just as bizarre for her as it was for Texas now. Exusiai and Croissant were bystanders caught in the mix, torn between who they should be focusing their attention on.

Her heartbeat went at a rabbit's pace —pun intended hahaha— as she stood there frozen. How was she supposed to respond? Would a confirmation ruin whatever friendship they had between them? Or was this finally the chance for her to push for more? This could be her only shot at a confession. Could she really turn up this chance and play it off as a joke? She knew Texas would probably relax if she told such a lie —would say she'd forget this ever happened and allow them to peacefully continue the game without incident— but what of Croissant and Exusiai? One look at either of the pair was all the confirmation she needed to know that there was no lying her way out of this. At least, not without a later on harsh scrutiny. For people who claimed to want the best for her she'd prefer it if they left things well enough alone.

But they won't. That's not who they are.

And then the words arrived, so slow and deliberate there was no mistaking them for anything else. Throat pulsing with the nerves riddling the rest of her frame Sora made the effort to keep the confession even. Straight to the point always had been Texas's preference for speech anyways, whether in casual discussion or battle.

"I . . . I do."

Everything stopped again as the whole room collectively held their breaths. As those words slipped out Texas's expression had transitioned into a careful wall. It was well—crafted, fine straight smile and eyes that cradled secrets out of the realm of the others' knowledge. Texas was an enigma at the worst of times. But she's so pretty. So brave. Oh Texas.

When the silence kept stretching onto a worrying length she started to wonder if the seconds really had slowed to a stop. The only indicator against this was Exusiai's clenched mouth, jaw working as her teeth ground together in anticipation.


And that was all she wrote, literally. Texas uttered a single word before turning tail and bolting out of the room. The last trace of her was the hue of red at the end of her tail as she vanished from sight entirely, slipping into the recently opened elevator.

"What just happened?" Sora asked no one in particular. Her gaze was trained on the spot Texas was in moments before, trying to determine if what had happened was truth or just a strange dream her mind came up with.

"She just had to run off. Typical." Exusiai sighed disappointedly. "And after we finally got you to confess and everything."

Those words made her nearly choke on the saliva she was swallowing. Croissant reached out and patted her back a few times to steady her once more. When her breathing returned to normal she found herself asking. "What do you mean? How'd you already know?"

Exusiai threw her hands up. "I don't know . . . maybe because we always catch you staring at her when you think no one else is looking. Or perhaps it's all those times you try sitting next to her. Or maybe it's all the gifts you get her when you go on tour."

Sora felt the heat rushing to her face. She was burning at this point. "B-but I do that with everyone!"

Croissant raised an eyebrow. "Not as much as ya do it with her. It's okay Sora. No ones mad at you for it. It's just an observation we've all made at some point or 'nother."

"B-but . . ." She flailed for another plausible explanation, a way to get out of the hole she felt she was digging. There was none to be found.

Exusiai smiled faintly at her. "It's really no problem Sora. We're all pretty chill about it."

Sora gestured helplessly to the direction Texas disappeared in. "And what about her?" Exusiai and Croissant once again shared a glance. The silence conversation traveling between them shouldn't have bothered her, but her already frayed patience made the action infuriating.

"Someone please tell me what you're thinking. I can't take this silence." She begged, trying to keep the fear out. Texas probably hated her now. The aloof wolf was always so quiet. She didn't seem to care for people getting close to her. And yet it was that same iciness that drew Sora in in the first place. The cool demeanor was what Texas wore like armor on their first meeting. Sora had found the iciness beautiful, and it didn't help how attractive Texas was aesthetically. Her figure carried power despite her small stature, bicolored eyes blazing with emotion beyond comprehension. Sora could feel the secrets hiding within, wanted to be trusted enough to know them all. She had no idea what she was getting into the day she agreed to join Penguin Logistics. And yet, now, no part of her regretted that choice.

However, if she lost a chance at having Texas in her life . . . she would have regrets then.

"Texas isn't mad, I know that much." Exusiai started.

"Then why did she run off!?" Sora practically shouted.

Exusiai didn't flinch, but the rapid flutter of her eyelids suggested she was startled by her outburst. Croissant frowned at Sora, disappointment in spades. Sora looked away, properly chastised. Shouting, while the best way to express her own emotions, wouldn't solve anything.

"She probably didn't expect it is all. Texas doesn't like being blindsided by anything," Croissant said.

"So she ran away?"

That doesn't sound like Texas.

"I know what you're thinking, and you're right. That doesn't sound like Texas. But you have to realize Sora, there's so much Texas doesn't talk about. So much none of us know about her." Exusiai explained. There was a somber air about the Sankta now. It spoke of a long staunched pain peeking around the corner, trying to spill out in full. So even Exusiai doesn't really know everything about her. Even though Texas is closest to her . . .

Just how many secrets does Texas keep?

"Why doesn't she just talk to us then?" Her embarrassment was fading to something else.

"Its not that simple Sora. With a past like Texas's . . . it never is. All I know is she's been hurt before. And people who've been hurt like that often are afraid to be hurt again," Exusiai said gently. Her words were so kind. And maybe this was why Texas was so close to Exusiai. She really was understanding.

"But this is Texas. She's not afraid of anything." But even as she said those words something felt sour about them. Her heart sunk. All this time she'd been worried about confessing. Not once did she think about Texas rejecting her because of past pain. Had she really been so self-centered? No. There's no way you could've known.

"Normally I'd agree. But situations like this are complicated. Try not to hold it against her." Croissant murmured. "Give her some time and I'm sure she'll come around."

Sora processed those words, let them sink beneath her skin. I'd never hold this against her. And I can't just wait for her to come back. So she walked over to the exit, her footsteps clicking with her determination. Each step brought her closer to her goal; each step brought her closer to Texas.

"Where are you going?"

"To see Texas. We need to talk."


A/N: So who wants part 3? Let me know.

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