Nope 3

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A/N: There just aren't that many pictures of Red and Lappland, so I figured this comic would be a suitable replacement. Enjoy!


Clocks were supposed to be quiet. The ticking sound was meant to be background noise, heard but ignored by all as the seconds turned to minutes and those turned to hours. Red found herself listening to each tick as she patiently waited. Per her request —puppy dog eyes she knew Doctor Y/N found irresistible— the first level dormitories were styled akin to a Penguin Logistics stakeout room. When she'd first learned Texas —a wolf, the first wolf to come to Rhodes Island besides herself— was coming she had wanted the place to be as comfortable as possible. The prospect of having a Lupo friend had been far too exciting for her.

Unfortunately, those expectations were shot down almost immediately.

Because Texas just might be the toughest nut of all to crack.

And she avoided interaction with Red as much as possible.

So Red knew there was only one way to possibly get to Texas. And it just so happened that this interest aligned with another plan of hers.

She just had to be patient.

How much longer is she going to make me wait?

While this place had been decorated to the tastes of the Penguin Logistics Liaisons, she knew the secondary effect it had. Wolves left scent on so many things. Texas's smell lingered on barstools, the couch, even the camera Sora used for an impromptu recording session. And Red knew that if she could smell Texas on these surfaces then she wouldn't be the only one. Through observation, it appeared Lappland visited this place whenever she could. Texas avoided the white wolf like the plague, but it wasn't like she could take her scent from this place without instituting some serious cleaning measures no one had time for. So Lappland came here when no one was around, taking in the scenery quietly. Red wondered what she thought about, and somewhere along the way this idea of getting close to Lappland took form.

And here she was now, sitting on the couch as she waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Maybe she isn't coming after all. No, don't think like that. Lappland will come.

But as the minutes turned to an hour, which turned to two hours, Red started to lose hope.

Kal'tsit had agreed to give her the day off, provided she do something productive with her time. Sitting here waiting for someone who apparently wasn't going to show up wasn't what the lynx doctor would consider productive by any stretch of the imagination. Sighing, Red got back onto her feet.

As if on cue, the mechanical doors swooshed open.

Lappland stood at the entryway, looking cautious. Her swords rested in their sheathes. They were at easy reaching distance. Red thought of her own knives, tucked inside the several pockets of her coat. It was fair to come here armed, especially if it helped Lappland to come here in the first place.

"Welcome. Red is glad you could make it." Yes, a formality was a good start.

Lappland dipped her head, edging her way inside. She tensed slightly as the doors slipped shut behind her. Silver eyes kept trained on Red, like she was afraid to take her eye off the Hunter for a single second. A keen awareness in that gaze suggested she was more than aware of all the exits in the room, all the possible objects she could use to her advantage should there come a fight. Which is fair. Very fair. It wouldn't take her long to pin an opponent down, especially if they weren't paying attention.

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