X (Blaze x GreyThroat)

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A/N: Someone made the suggestion for me to do this, but unfortunately I don't remember who. I've never written this pairing before, so you guys will have to let me know what you think.





The arrow sailed through the air in a brilliant arc.


The arrowhead sunk into the target, amidst the many rings.

She swore under her breath, tail lashing behind her angrily.

"You know, you'll never hit center mass like that." Warm breath ghosted over the shell of her ear, the owner of the voice so quiet that it would've been impermissible to most if not for its proximity and familiarity.

Blaze cocked her head to the side, letting her long triangular ears brush the cold cheek off to the side. Her arms ached from all the loading and unloading, her stomach a mixture of butterflies and knots. "I know! I just, Ugh . . ."

Hands snaked around her, light touches to her frame that sent heat deep to her core. There was nothing promiscuous to them, yet they caused just the right amount of feeling. Or maybe all the pent up emotions from recently had left her reeling. The need for release of some form kept rising in her like an approaching tidal wave.

"You need to relax your arms more, if you're too tense it'll mess you up. So, just do this." Those fingertips glided over her bare arms and made the proper alterations to her form. It was strange to have someone pressed up this close. Most people tended to keep their distance from her —out of respect and maybe mild discomfort, as her body could reach temperatures most no one could manage— but such wasn't the case with GreyThroat. She was quiet, stealthy in her approach, hands in a way few people were. "And keep your legs spread like this." One of her feet nudged her leg back. She moved, surprised by how nice this new position felt.

"So this is right?"

"Yep." Another breathy reply to make the heat in her stir.

And then GreyThroat was stepping back just as silently as she had come. The absence of her close proximity left something inside her yearning, temperature rising unbidden. With the brief reprieve from all the missions and danger they'd been going through lately, her energy was left to go crazy. So coming to the target range was supposedly a good idea. As was their bet. Any opportunity to be with her girlfriend without interruption was a good thing.

But this, it's like she's teasing me almost.

And that train of thought was only added onto by her girlfriend's next words.

"X marks the spot Blaze. So don't miss, or else~"

And indeed, there was an X on each of the targets.

Right at center mass.

Her heart leapt to her throat; her muscles tried to tense up again but she forced them to remain at ease. That intense gaze was watching her, she wouldn't let it down. The erratic beats refused to steady. This was her last chance after all. If she could just do this, even once she'd be set.





This time the arrow struck through. It was dead center. She mentally cheered. Yes!

And that voice was approaching then, a pleased lilt at its core leaving her humming with pride.

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