Love 3

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A/N: So there are mentions if nudity in this chapter but it's nothing graphic (I'll leave that up to your interpretation). And no, there is no smut involved. I've never written smut before, the furthest I've gotten is teasing it like now (hehehe bath scene😉). Maybe I'll do it someday, maybe not? Still up in the air. With that in mind, hope y'all enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment. And happy holidays!


In theory there were no bad ideas.

But now, with all the bubbles pouring out of the tub despite her efforts to stop them, Exusiai was beginning to wonder if the bubbly bath bombs she had chucked into the claw-foot tub was a good idea. So many of the towels from the closet were taking residence on the floor, battling back a monstrous tide. The whole bathroom smelled heavily of lavender and rose oil, the water beneath the white foam a perfect blend of pink and purple. Steam filtered through the air, making the long mirror over the bathroom sink blur up completely. Lappland and Texas hadn't moved from their spot in the entryway, apparently content to watch her struggle alone.

"I could use some help Lappland." She murmured, not bothering to turn around. The tile flooring was cold to her bare feet, making her toes and the heels of her feet numb. And also wet, because of course there was moisture everywhere.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. Just give me a second."

"We don't have all day! Think of all the water damage!"

"I know! Just hold on for me."

Something was whispered. She caught the tail end of murmured words, ears straining to hear whatever it was Lappland was telling Texas. But without enhanced hearing she remained in the dark, the only coherent noise was the small chuckle Texas let out at the end and the thud of footfalls as Lappland finally approached.

The white wolf huffed as one of the bubbles landed on her coat sleeve. It was a strange in comparison to the burgundy red that usually melded with the black as she took down enemy after enemy. "Angel, of all the things you could do of course you forgot to shut the water off." Those sleeves were in the process of being rolled up, squelching out the puff of white resting on top.

And then the other voice she cherished so much chimed in, reaching for the faucet handle uncaring of the bubbles. The arm was bare of an absorbent sleeve, pale skin dotted with goosebumps from the air conditioner whirring from the vents. Texas had already taken off her shirt. Exusiai found her attention latched to bare skin and a nice figure, facing flushing at the thoughts running through her head.


"Both of you are idiots. But you're my idiots." Texas announced to no one in particular. "I'm guessing this disaster was meant to help me unwind." There was no question to her words.

Exusiai paused in her scrubbing of the bathroom floor. The towels she'd been using to absorb the excess water flow as it hit the ornate tile were sopping wet at this point anyways, unlikely to hold much more water than they already possessed. One might go as far as to say the scrubbing was counterproductive, the small streaks of water from each motion growing bigger as water squeegees out like the towels were broken fountains.

"Hey! I resent that!"

"So do I!" Lappland muttered. She placed the new towels on the floor, her left hand gripping the fluffiest one tightly. There was still so much water to clean up. Flooding the bathroom was not in their plans at all, not that they really had one to begin with.

But Texas really needed to relax today. I feel like we failed her.

"Ugh, what am I going to do with you two? Should we still have the bath at this point? I'm not sure where else the water might've spread?" Sleep darkened eyes swept the room slowly, a tedious arc that made her feel all the more guilty.

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