Ease (Ch'en x Hoshiguma)

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Hoshiguma watched as her girlfriend took down each opponent with broad slashes from her sword. The dragon woman moved as fast as the powerful animal she was connected to, nuking anyone who dared to get in her way. In her element, all the tension would leave Ch'en as she fought, a sight for sore eyes after being crammed in an office for so long. The training room lights reflected the passionate fire in the inspector's eyes, creating a smile on her face.

So it was understandable Hoshiguma felt bad for having to break Ch'en out of it.

But if we don't leave soon we'll miss our ride.

"Ch'en. Ch'en. I think that's enough for today." She tried to grab her girlfriend's attention, to no avail. The smaller woman was in the zone, her sword sweeping a brilliant arc around her followed closely by her tail.

"Take that!"

The powerful shing of Ch'en's activated ability poured into the quiet space, mingling with the scent of sweat and deodorant that had long since lost its ability to do its job. The remaining opponents crashed to the ground, moaning in pain. Even with all their armor and weapons at their disposal, none of them had been a match for Ch'en. She felt a flash of pride for her girlfriend, and let it show as Ch'en turned to face her at last. The smile her girlfriend graced her with was perfect, every nuance a wonderful dedication to the happiness they both felt.


The question caught her off guard. "Uh, what?"

Ch'en frowned. "Did you not take the time? I wanted to see if I could break my record on clearing this simulation." The groaning opponents before disappeared in a flash of digital energy, returning back to the projection boxes lining the facility. With the blue light gone, the illusion of a battlefield went with it. The green room from before sprung back into view without anymore prompting. It was strange seeing it again, and her eyes had to blink a few times to adjust to the change.

Ch'en's expectant look still remained when she became accustomed. Hoshiguma flushed, she indeed had forgotten. "Haha sorry. I, I may have gotten a little distracted. I'm pretty certain you beat it though, if that's any consolation." Hand scrubbing are the back of her neck, she tried to ignore how that smile had turned into a look of annoyance.

"Why am I not surprised? And that isn't a consolation. Not for me."

"Even if you had beaten it, it's not like it would change anything though, would it? All the new records are from you regardless. You're only beating yourself." Hoshiguma pointed out.

Lately, Ch'en seemed to be attempting to better herself even more often than she had before. It wouldn't surprise her if this had to do with Rhodes Island. The pharmaceutical company had brought several changes with its partnership with LGD, but none more so then the change it created in Ch'en. She was far more hesitant. Debating the morality of actions in a philosophical sense was all well and good —she had done so herself on quiet evenings with a bottle of wine in hand— but it was no good to them in battle. A commander needs to be concise, otherwise . . .

She was reminded of the many, many dead friends. The flowers on their graves were fresh, the only contact she could have with them now was a visitation once a month. Staring at tombstones did nothing to settle the grief inside. But she was honor bound; the dead deserved to be remembered even if their contributions were viewed as small by the rest of the world.

"I know. I just . . . I need to be better. It isn't enough just to remain the same. At the LGD we must always strive for greater efficiency." Ch'en spoke the words like they were some personal mantra. Hoshiguma wasn't fooled for a second. A stagnant pause was all it took for her to know there was more to the story. And she had a horrible feeling she knew exactly what that was.

"She isn't here Ch'en. Tallulah won't get her hands on Lungmen."

It had taken a lot on Hoshiguma's part to find out that the two women were related. No amount of digging would've usurped such information. Rather, Ch'en had trusted her with some of her darkest secrets on a drunken night at home on the couch. It had been after the little Ursus girl had died. Ch'en had pretended to be uncaring about Misha's death, but the stupor Hoshiguma found her in when she returned home from work said differently.

Ch'en's expression was carefully blank, head hanging down. "I . . . I hope you're right."

"I am. The LGD will fight her with everything we have if she dares to try." This much was definitely not a lie, that they could both be sure of. The reassurance seemed to do the trick in alleviating some of the concern from Ch'en, but Hoshiguma was able to detect the thin veil that remained. Ghosts, while often transparent, afflicted even the best of people.

And to her Ch'en was one of those, not that the other woman knew this.



Ch'en rolled her eyes, the confidence she preferred slipping into place. "Yes. I believe you. Don't we have somewhere to be?"

Hoshiguma chuckled. "Yes, yes we do."

"Then let's get going. Don't want Little Miss haggling us for being late."

The two shared a laugh at that, knowing just how Swire could get with her short temper and loud mouth. They shared a brief kiss before making their way out the door. The beauty of Siesta was waiting for them.

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