Quiet Time Together 1 (Saria x Silence featuring Ifrit)

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A/N: The family one shot you've all been waiting for is finally here! And on my birthday no less. Hope y'all enjoy!


It had been so long since they'd all been together. And now that they were it almost seemed unreal. The normalcy of which they fell into old patterns just made the day all the more perfect.

And it started at breakfast.

"Whatcha making?" Ifrit slid into the kitchen, her fuzzy socks acting like ice skates on the cold metallic flooring.

"Lots of stuff."

Saria looked up briefly from the pan in her hand. The kitchen island with its smooth granite countertops were covered with inviting plates like a gift. They were plated with fresh cut fruit, blueberry and chocolate chip muffins and tater tots. Steam wafted up, bringing with the heady scent of meat. Mmmm bacon. That smells like bacon. And . . . And it is bacon. Yay! Ooooh and are those . . .

"Ooooooo pancakes. And waffles." Her mouth was watering, licking her lips subconsciously as she reached forward to grab one of the muffins, only for her hand to get swatted. Saria gave her a stern glare before returning her attention yet again to the bacon. The sizzling meat was bursting with grease. Most of it would be removed during the plating process. A pile of napkins was at the waiting to absorb it away. Ever the strict parent, Saria kept the stern belief that grease was bad for anyone's diet.

"No touching until everything's ready. Why don't you go wake Silence in the meantime."

Ifrit huffed. "But she's never a morning person! Why can't I just take some nooooow. At least a piece of bacon . . ." She tried reaching for a piece, her hand swatted much harder this time around.

"No. You'll burn your hand."

"Yeah right. Pretty sure I'm hotter than some stupid pan and grease." She muttered.

"Maybe so, but I'd rather not risk it. Just be patient and go get your Mom. Okay Firefly?"

At the name, the teenager felt her face grow hot. "Ugh. Fine. Be right back. Don't start without us!" She hollered as she booked it back down the hall.

Most Operators at Rhodes Island were given single and group dormitories to live in. If the operators were from a particular organization, they were grouped together, often living in the same huge dormitory all together. Such was the case with the likes of Penguin Logistics and Karlan Commercial. But it was different for Rhine Labs, namely because of the family dynamics. Ever since Saria and Silence had gotten back together, the pair and Ifrit had all been living together as a family in the same dorm. The master suite was the biggest room aside from the den, its burgundy door standing out amidst the white wallpaper on either side. It was slightly ajar, so she didn't bother with knocking before slipping inside.

The room was lit by the sunlight streaming in through thin curtains. A ceiling fan spun in slow rotations overhead. The light in the bathroom was on, peeking out beneath the shut door. Saria must've forgotten to turn it off. Too efficient to be anything else. Amber eyes darted around the room thoughtfully, searching.

"Silence? Mom, you awake? Saria's got breakfast ready . . ."

A mound at the center of the bed caught her attention. Messy brunette hair stuck up out of the top. The blankets of silver-blue were bunched up around her thin form, a few feathers poking out from the gaps. She walked over quietly, making sure not to cause a disturbance even as sleepy eyes slipped open, blinking out the bleariness.

"Hmmm. Ifrit? Five more minutes . . ."

"No can do Silence! Remember today's date?"

"Oh, a meeting can wait an extra ten minutes." Silence responded sleepily, still not understanding what Ifrit was getting at. The glasses on the nightstand sat atop the alarm clock. It wasn't going to ring anytime soon, presumably because it went off much earlier at whatever time Saria had gotten up. Not that an alarm clock would do good anyways, seeing as she always sleeps through it. Annoyed, she snatched up a pillow and began with the whacks.

"No." Whack. "You." Whack. "Can't." Whack. "You." Whack. "Have." A harsher whack to the stomach. "To." Whack. "Get." Whack. "Up." Another hit, this time to a raised arm. "Now." Upon the last whack the pillow she was using was vengefully seized before being chucked right back at her head.

"Oomph." She grimaced, spitting out some fluffy white feathers.

"Next time you wake me up like that you'll be off mission duty for a month." Silence's glare was unmatched. The intensity of it was fiercer than Dr. Kal'tsit's, and that was saying something.

"No! You can't be serious! I was only—"

Silence got up, cutting her off with a further heightened glare as her glasses were pushed up the bridge of her nose. "Getting me up to enjoy my anniversary with Saria. Yes, I'm aware. But that's not an excuse to be impolite. Behave yourself next time, understood."

She sighed, still a little annoyed but knew better when it came to arguing. Silence, one of her adoptive mothers, was one of the few people she respected enough to behave around. One of the few people where she held her tongue. The power of her flames remained carefully silent.


"Good. Give me a moment to get dressed and we'll get going."

"Sounds good."

Her stomach rumbled in happy agreement.


A/N: Short but sweet. There will be more next time as I think it up. Feel free to post suggestions on what y'all want to see if you have any specifics in mind. Planning to have a bit of romance with Saria and Silence in the upcoming parts ahead.

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