Survival (FrostNova and male Doctor ft. Blaze)

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A/N: So if you didn't figure it out from the title this has some major spoilers for chapter 6. If you don't want to be spoiled then don't read! That's the only warning I'm going to give you guys. Oh, and this is also my take on what should've happened during this chapter. Would love hear comments from y'all on what you guys think. If you were an Arknights writer, how would this chapter have gone?


Everything was happening so fast.

So how strange was it that the world felt so cold?

Ice shards glittered over almost every surface. Doctor Y/N would've been worried about the structural integrity of this place if he didn't have many more pressing concerns. The struggle that had happened here was so brutal, so powerful there had almost been no coming back from it.

And it chilled him to think about this could've been a very different story, with a very different victor had things been just slightly off, had they not been able to hold out the way they had. Even Blaze was running out of steam. She'd been unable to access her heat to the level he'd hoped. It had left them all scrambling for a solution. And when Amiya's magic could not assist them with its defiant energy and GreyThroat's arrows were cracked brittle under the subzero temperatures it had become clear that holding on was truly the only option.

Hold on until FrostNova had nothing left to give.

And so they had.

The fight was over now. The misty clouds from all the ice beginning to settle. If he squinted hard enough it might've been possible to see trickling water droplets going down the icicles. But his eyes were on the person he carefully cradled in his lap, the source of all of this.


With blurred vision of his y/e/c eyes he regarded her, his bare fingers digging into the small of her back. It had taken holding her to figure out how slim she was, bone so protruding to the point where it was near sickly. Her skin was ghastly, those eyes that once burned with hate during their fight had lost their lively ember. In the end, the happiness, the acceptance that all her pain would be brought to an end had washed over her in those final moments.

And that was where it should've ended.

But of course it had not.

She made sure of this, their touching skin on skin something FrostNova was unable to do with her arts. Unable to do for a long period, where even her adoptive Father Patriot only cradled her once as a child. His memories were mostly a blank canvas still, little fragments here and there tying to rise up and fill the gaps of space where there was nothing. He figured that if he could get closer to Kal'tsit and the senior operators (people who knew him from before) they may be forthcoming with some of those details his mind was unable to conjure. So he endeavored to gain their trust, to some success, though a part of him was coming more and more to accept the possibility Kal'tsit may never trust him.

And why did this sadden him?

Though, it didn't as much as FrostNova's dying words and last breath, a small tendril of warmth on his stinging cheeks. He never thought he would cry over a Reunion commander, but that's exactly what he had done.

Because this, this death had not been necessary.

How many more people would have to die for Rhodes Island's goals to become reality? He was sick at those imaginations.

There had been far too many deaths lately.

"Dokutah, are you--"

"Amiya, let him be." The quietness of GreyThroat went nearly unheard.

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