Zero (Kal'tsit and Red)

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Knock. Knock.

"Who is it?" She asked, not bothering to look up from the numerous documents of work she had in front of her. Ink stained her hands where she bared down, the pen nearly tearing a hole in one particular paper.

"It's me."

"That's not very helpful." Kal'tsit responded.


She sighed. "Come in."

Her adoptive daughter slunk inside her office without anymore preamble. Red was hugging herself tightly, eyes downcast as her hood covered her lowered ears. Kal'tsit motioned for the Lupo to have a seat in the chair in front of her. Red sunk down into it, still refusing to meet her gaze.

"Now, I've already been made aware of what happened . . . but I would like to hear your version of the story before I cast any judgment."

"Red is sorry." Came the quiet response. "It was an accident."

"Yes. I know it was, but that doesn't change anything." Kal'tsit reluctantly put her forms away. There was no point keeping them out when her daughter would require her full attention for the next unknown amount of time. "So tell me."

"W-well . . . there's this new operator . . ."

"Yes. I know." She had met the young girl firsthand, given her a rundown on what her position in Rhodes Island was. The Doctor had handled the rest, something she was thankful for considering her large workload on this given day.

"And I . . . I saw her and . . . Red couldn't help herself." Red explained, like her explanation was good enough to pass.

Kal'tsit narrowed her gaze. Sharp tingles ran down her spine as Monst3r hummed thoughtfully. Like her, it could sense there was more to the story. And they both knew as much from the report. Saria always is detailed with her reports.

"Red. That's not enough."

The Hunter Lupo seemed to shrink further into herself, whining with desperate plea. "Please don't make Red say more. Don't want Mamma to be maaaaaaaad."

The old name would've warmed her if she wasn't so disappointed. "I'm not going to be mad at you." Maybe it was some weakness of hers, the inability to stay angry at Red. Thankfully, no one at Rhodes Island called her out on it, aside from Closure, who could of course put a sock in it after a stern glare and a command to get back to work was leveled in her direction. "But I do need to know the full story if I'm going to file the proper report."

She had enough thanks to Saria, but it was better to get Red's side to the story too.

"Okay. Fine." Red looked up. "The new Operator, Suzuran, her tails, when I saw them from across the cafeteria I felt compelled. Red had to touch those tails. Had to no matter what. Wanted to fluff so bad." The last part ended in a whine.

"And so you did, Hmm?"

"Yes. So I did. Red is sorry. So very sorry." Red dipped her head apologetically. "If I had known she was coming today . . . what she looked like—"

"Something tells me that wouldn't have changed anything."

"Red really is sorry . . ." The Lupo in front of her whined.

Kal'tsit sighed again. "I know. But you realize you're actions have consequences." She leaned back in her reclining chair to tap at the white board. There were darkened words scrawled there in her own handwriting, along with a small drawing of chibi Red.

Days Without Incident

What once had been an impressive number on that board was replaced. A big goose egg of zero took its place and with it any hopes that she wouldn't deal with the headache of whispers and small glances stolen in her direction. Red —despite technically being an 'adult'— was still her responsibility. It wouldn't be the first time she had been told the Lupo would be better off in some correctional facility or another for all the freak outs and discomfort her strange behaviors could cause. But none of those people understand her the way I do. Except one perhaps, but Doctor's memory is long gone.

"Red did so well too." Yellow eyes seemed to water with tears.

Kal'tsit gave her a reassuring head pat. "It's alright, it's going to be fine. I'm just not looking forward to all the paperwork."

"M-maybe I can help you?" The suggestion was sweet, but a fool's errand.

"As nice as that would be, I'll have to decline your offer."

Red sulked. "So what's my punishment then?"

Ah yes, the thing the two of them had been circling around.

She took out a pen and a clean sheet of paper, proceeding to write down a short list off the top of her head. "Well, you'll need to apologize for scaring Suzuran, but not right away, seeing as your self-control is a bit lacking. Have FrostLeaf or Closure go with you when you do. For now, there are some intensive supply runs I think Doctor Y/N was needing some more operators for. Do whatever Y/N tells you and I'll see if there's any new projects Closure might want some assistance with for when you get back. Understood?"

Red nodded. "Yes. Red understands."



A/N: So this one was kind of short but that's just fine! Expect more one shots coming soon! Since we've reached 20k views for this story I might be doing a double update (or something else). Either way it should be a fun surprise! So don't forget to vote and comment and I'll see you all next time!

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