Love 1 (Exusiai x Texas x Lappland)

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One peaceful day.

That's all she wanted.

So why did her girlfriends have to make her life so difficult?

Texas sighed for what would likely be the umpteenth time that day as Exusiai and Lappland gleefully dragged her into another store. She didn't even bother to look up as a bell chimed somewhere above her head. She kept her eyes shut as she was pretty much dragged inside the cool room accompanied by warm hands and steady conversation. Ever since her medical check up last week she'd been given time off to unwind. Her blood pressure was abnormally high the doctors said, she should take it easy until they return to normal they said. So why on Earth was she being rushed around everywhere today? Seriously. Just why?

"Texas! Texas they have pie here! Apple pie! We have to get some!"

The words tumbled out of Exusiai in an excited rush. Tiredly, her eyes dragged themselves open once more. The shop they were in appeared to be some kind of cafe that specializes in desserts. Lappland was sniffing the sweet air with the same mild disdain Texas felt. It was a little too sweet for her liking in here, the air practically sugar coated like icing on one of the freshly baked cakes sitting in the bay view window to attract famished customers.

"Hmm, I wouldn't mind some pie. How about you Texas?" Lappland asked. Lately she was making a habit of asking for Texas's agreement on just about every choice. It was like everything needed the dark haired wolf's consent and Lappland was desperate to get it. The whole thing might've been endearing if Texas didn't know the source of this awkward behavior.

They were together again but so much had changed in such a short time. Lappland, oh so brave, oh so troubled Lappland, was trying to figure out where they stood. Texaswas confident they could start over, but that was something Lappland was going to have to come to terms with too. Because right now, Lappland was still relying on the past to guide her.

I'm not that wolf anymore.

With any luck the white wolf would come to this realization on her lonesome. If not, certain measures were going to be taken.

She shouldn't feel so excited by this possibility, but her body was acting up lately. Texas blamed it on all the stress of the past months. When Lungmen had been invaded by Reunion for a second time, it had taken practically all of her willpower to keep them from ruining Penguin Logistics Headquarters and keeping their business running smoothly. Too bad the Emperor had been out in Columbia at the time, otherwise he would have helped her in the near impossible mission.

But Texas was used to near impossible. She was as used to it as she was to death, so it was no surprise she'd somehow managed throughout the catastrophe to keep PL alive. A good thing too, as Texas had no plans to change employment anytime soon.

"Uh Texas? Is everything okay?" Lappland asked.

"Yeah. You're spacing out on us." Exusiai agreed, head tilting in a way that was so not adorable. Okay, maybe just a little. Who was she kidding. A lot. It was a lot adorable. The pink fringe that normally concealed one of her angel's eyes fell away whenever Exusiai did this, revealing two pleasant amber orbs glittering up at her. Texas had found a part of herself in those eyes, needed them in her life like she needed air.

"Hahaha, sorry, I just got lost in thought. We can get some pie if you want. I don't mind."

"Okay then! I'll be right back!" Exusiai headed over to the cashier behind the counter —a tall Minos guy with long, curling horns— who seemed amused over the angel's excitement. Texas watched them talking until her shoulder was tapped. Lappland had sidled up beside her, silver eyes scrutinizing her. Texas wasn't sure what the other wolf saw, but her frown didn't cease.

"Are you sure you're okay? You've been acting pretty tired lately."

She yawned, likely not helping her case at all. "Well, I guess I'm just a little sleepy is all. I've been very busy with, well, everything."

"Oh. You're talking about the invasion aren't you?"

"Mmhmm." She leaned against one of the pillars of the small store, her eyes sliding shut temporarily. The darkness was peaceful, a shrouded blanket settling over her weary shoulders.


"I think Texas really needs a break," Lappland said.

She, Exusiai and Texas were seated at one of the small tables in the café. The dark metal chairs were cold but somehow inviting, the cushions molding to their new occupants the second they sat down. Texas seemed to still be out of it, her eyes slightly lidded as she leaned forward with her head propped up on her fist. Small red marks peeked out from her elbow pressing into the countertop, signs of strain.

Exusiai nodded, swallowing down another piece of her treasured pie. Lappland had stopped after one slice, as had Texas, leaving the other three portions to be devoured by their angel. Exusiai hardly seemed to mind the added portions, wolfing them down like she'd been in the desert for days.

"Yeah, she does. She really needs to take a break." Exusiai commented.

"N . . . No I don't," Texas said sleepily. Half of the words came out adorably slurred as she slumped further forward.

"I think you do. Here, let me help." With a tender hand dotted with crumbs Exusiai prodded Texas until she was leaning back against her chair.

"But I don't wanna . . ."

Exusiai pressed a sweet kiss to Texas's lips, her lashes fluttering as Texas melted at the touch. The action seemed to be all that was needed to make the dark haired wolf pliant. Lappland took in the new piece of information, absorbing the soft imagery of Texas's happy dazed expression and the way Exusiai was humming with glee.

"Yes you do. So rest." Exusiai murmured, sitting back.

"Nnngh okay. But don't tell anyone. Zzz . . ."

Bonelessly she slumped into the cushions before her eyes slipped shut again. The almost inaudible snores that followed shortly thereafter made them both chuckle. The oh so stoic Texas was taking a nap. Her mouth was parted slightly, the dark bags even more visible with the store lighting.

"I'll finish my pie and we'll take her home, give her a night she's sure to remember," Exusiai said with a wink.

Lappland chuckled, sensing where this was going. "The point is to make her relax, isn't it? And as much as I enjoy a good time I don't think she'll be up to it. At least, not how we used to do it."

The angel snickered. "Good thing my plan is different then, but I'd appreciate hearing about your escapades some other time for sure."

"Oh would you now? You're pretty naughty for an angel." Lappland smirked.

Exusiai's smile was coy, her halo glittering with light. How ironic that such purity was right over her head in a conversation like this. The shard like wings behind Exusiai only added to the effect of a perfect being.

"Ah, I wouldn't say that . . . I'm just capable of different ways of thinking. And besides, something tells me I'm not the dirty minded one here."

"Hahaha touché."

The remainder of the pie was eaten as quickly as the rest. With a sleepy Texas supported between them, Lappland and Exusiai made their way back to the van they'd arrived in for the drive home. A relaxing day lay ahead. She looked forward to it, and hoped Texas would find it just as enjoyable.


A/N: Let me know if y'all want to see part 2. Until next time!

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