Cute! (Amiya x Rosmontis)

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A/N: So this was a request from someone. Now, I am well aware that these two are sixteen and younger in the game. So we're going to be doing a little aging up in this shot. So everyone gets to be eighteen and older here! No FBI whatsoever. Nuh uh. So I hope y'all enjoy!


She played with the three remaining rings on her hand, blue eyes thoughtful. It had been another long day of helping Infected and working alongside Doctor Y/N and Doctor Kal'tsit. So she was happy to finally have this chance to relax. But first . . .

The elevator dinged.

She looked up as the doors opened to reveal the empty space.

The solitary hallway had one sole light hanging down from it. The beam swung carelessly with the shaking from the floor above, a clear enough reminder that the training room was on the level above (and that maintenance needed to come by yet again to assure no structural damage). Shaking her head at the distant screech that distinctly had to be Lappland and Texas going at it Amiya made her way into the dormitory. Hopefully they clean up after themselves this time. With Exusiai off on a mission with Croissant and Sora she wasn't around to keep her girlfriends from getting heated in the more public places.

"She better be here."

It wasn't uncommon for her to forget, yet something like this had to be remembered. With a ring clad finger she punched in the barcode —indicating that she was one of the two people assigned here at the current time— and watched pleased as the door gave way. Amiya was met with darkness as she stepped inside the room. Darkness, and a strange sound.


"Hello? Anyone there?"

The weird noise persisted, the pitch of it pausing for the briefest of moments before resuming again. Amiya frowned, feeling the wall for a light switch. This dormitory had always had the lights on when she came in so it was puzzling to find this place pitch black now. The light switch made itself known when the pad of her thumb brushed across a protruding surface. Here goes nothing.


Light flooded the room. She winced at the sudden brightness as her blue eyes were forced to adjust. And with that adjustment the state of the room became clear. Boxes lined most every corner, as did the strange sketches of rectangles. Their exclusive placement on the floor consisted of sticky tape of blue, red and green. Her confusion continued to grow as her gaze scoured the blankets hanging out of some of the boxes, as well as the weird metal sticks with a clear part on the end. She picked on up to find a button on it. A laser pointer?

Knowing that there was no other way to end the weirdness, Amiya found herself calling out that name into the open space. Surely she's here somewhere?



"If your here say something." She told the open space, unsure if Rosmontis was here with each passing second. The torn up bits of newspaper and the boxes were enough clue that something was going on here. Was someone else here earlier though?

Her thoughts wandered until one of the boxes shifted. It's movement had her walking forward past the wreckage of things that made it so hard to navigate. Her magic lifted a few of the blankets up and that was when she finally found what she was looking for. Or to be more precise, who she was looking for.

Sleepy blue eyes raised to meet hers; the rumbling purrs had come to an end.

With a balled up sleepy fist Rosmontis let out a big yawn. "Nnhgggh Amiyyyyyaaa."

She shook her head, chuckling. "I was wondering where you were. Almost thought you forgot we agreed to meet here."

A small, lingering fear that the girl in front of her would forget everything and everyone she had ever known. Including me. It was not easy to overcome, even now that there was a sort of cure in existence to Infection. And it was all thanks to Doctor they had said hope now. Even Kal'tsit, who had her doubts about Y/N agreed they couldn't have done it otherwise.

"I forget plenty. But not you." Rosmontis promised quietly. "Never you."

Her heart stuttered. "I, how'd you end up like this?"

Amiya observed the weird blue rectangle Rosmontis was sitting in. It was a perfect shape, laid out with the proper length for her to lay down in if she wished without any limbs falling outside the lines. That white tail she knew was soft and curious waved in the air thoughtfully, reminiscing much like it's owner.

"It's a long story. I wouldn't know where to begin."

"And the boxes?"

"An even longer story," Rosmontis said simply.

"I see." She did not, but she was not about to say otherwise, not when Rosmontis was scooting over and beckoning for her to join her on the ground. Amiya slowly descended so she sat on the floor next to her girlfriend, unsurprised when that slender tail found its way onto her lap and the purring resumed.

"Mhmmm, you're so warm." Pale fingers ran over her long ears. Amiya's breath caught in her throat as heat spread to her face. Rosmontis was kissing her then. First on the cheek followed swiftly by a peck to the nose. Amiya breathed in the scent of her, of jasmine and peony tickling her nostrils.

"So are you." She admitted. "We're you sleeping?"

"Yep. Why do you ask?"

"You always look so cute when you're sleeping."

She had seen it what felt like a million times before, but it never lessened in its cuteness. The next kiss was one on the lips. The short and sweet press was gone before they could really taste each other. But luckily Amiya dived right back in for a longer one, tongues taking a taste as they dipped into the other's mouth before withdrawal. This type of mapping had also been done plenty of times prior.

"Thanks. Mmmm I'm still sleepy."

"I figured."

The admission had her pulling Rosmontis onto the ground. The surface was warm already from body heat seeping down. Amiya exhaled slowly, no longer minding the slightly dusty smell from all the numerous boxes. Her vision was softening at the edges as her own tiredness was finally catching up with her for the day. When was the last time I relaxed like this? In the early years it was often. But as she got older the occurrences became less and less.

"Amiya, do you wanna . . . ?"

"Yeah. Let's nap for a bit. Ice cream can wait."


And so the pair succumbed to sleep still entwined in each other's arms. Hours later, Doctor Y/N found them, threw a blanket over them before snapping a quick photo for Kal'tsit and leaving. They were still asleep when Closure found them early next morning.


A/N: Thorns x Doctor will be up next so stay tuned!

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