Battle 2 (Saria x Silence)

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A/N: The Saria x Silence ship is back by popular demand. Hope y'all enjoy! I'll probably do a family one shot of these two with Ifrit at some point so if y'all are interested in that let me know.





Defective heart monitors really were one of the most annoying things. Silence found herself scowling at said monitor at three in the morning. The sun wasn't up but her energy level remained stationary at didn't care and wanted to sleep. Any other medic who dared to join her in the room would be met with a scathing glare that clearly warned them to get the heck out of the area as soon as possible.

Her body felt stiff from sitting in the metal chair for so long, her nose itching from the smell of rubbing alcohol and disinfectant. But none of that mattered. None of it mattered in comparison to the woman on the bed.


Memories of the battle clouded her vision, a stinging assault that some would mistake as tears. The screams, the shouts, the grunts as swords clashed and the ground splintered with black ice. Above all the angry words that made her heart stutter; the look on Saria's face as she had said those terrible words. And then nothing as the black shards consumed consciousness and made normally stoic amber eyes go hazy before shutting completely like a shut down software incapable of restarting. Her relationship with the healing defender was complicated to say the least, yet the two of them had always maintained a trust in each other's skills. And despite knowing each other's limitations, despite not knowing the true potential of the opponent they faced, that hadn't stopped her from casting a blind eye on Saria, arguably when the other woman needed her help the most.

And what I said to her, I should've never said that. And now she may never wake up again.

Those were the dark thoughts keeping her awake, even in the waning hours between dusk and dawn. Contrary to popular belief, Silence did not feel the constant need to sleep during the day like her friend Ptilopsis would. Sure, she was prone to naps, but never would the sun keep her in the way of work. She found none of this mattered now though, not when her focus was on one person alone. Days, weeks, years could have passed by and she would remain here, watching Saria as she slept, this she knew for certain.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

She resisted the urge to yell. This knock was familiar, resonation on metal like pebbles tossed into a lake. There was no denying this visitor. With hooded eyes she offered up the only response she had in her. "Come in."

Ptilopsis stood waiting on the other side. Much to her annoyance, she wasn't alone.

It's like she brought the whole welcoming committee.

The rest of the Rhine Labs liaisons were with her, including the unwelcome intrusion of her ward Ifrit. Our ward. She used to be ours but then you had to leave, didn't you? Why did you go? I needed you and you left me alone. She stared at Saria's sleeping face briefly; the grip she had on her cold hand tightened.

"So she's really here! I can't believe it!" Ifrit practically sprinted over to Saria's bedside, knocking aside a very startled Magellan and a worried looking Mayer in the process. Ptilopsis just moved aside to let her pass, not the slightest bit concerned about what exactly was going on here. How Ifrit was in no way to have any contact with Saria without her express permission.

The traitor.

"Yes. You have eyes, don't you Ifrit? You can see she's here."

Large amber eyes peered at Saria with what she could only describe as a mixture of adoration and sadness. Silence didn't know how she felt about either, felt very uneasy about the two being in the same room despite the ex-Rhine Lab member in question being unconscious.

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