2: Unexpected Guest

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I woke up the next morning on my mattress which was situated on the floor by the window of the back wall of my new flat. I got up and got ready then began to unpack everything. It took me about two hours to unpack and sort all of my kitchen stuff which wasn't even enough. But at least that part was done. I grabbed my laptop and sat at the kitchen island on the one stool I brought with me. I searched for waitressing jobs near by.

'8 Ball' is now hiring.

I clicked on the link. 8 Ball is a snooker club and pub only 10 minutes from the flat. Perfect. Bartending and waiting. Also perfect. I clicked on the application form and filled it out. I felt relieved once I sent it in and I went back to clearing everything out.

I had finished the bathroom and started on the bedroom area. I didn't have a bed frame or headboard so the floor would have to do for now. I assembled my bookcase and sat it up. It was a landscape bookcase so I could put things on it. I put all of my books in it and placed a few decorative ornaments and plants on top. It was the separator between the bedroom area and the living room. I assembled the new dresser I got and the clothes rail I got and tidied away all of my clothes and shoes. I sighed with exhaustion as I landed on my bed.

I checked my phone and it was now 7pm. I hadn't eaten lunch or dinner. I ordered a Chinese and showered while waiting. I put on some shorts and an oversized t-shirt and sat on my bed, my hair curled up in a towel.

I opened my laptop and I had an email. It was the pub.
I got an interview for tomorrow.

I squealed with excitement and wrote back a thank you. I waited patiently for my food to come and soon enough my flat was buzzed. I jumped off my bed, my towel falling off my head and raced to the door, buzzing the delivery guy in. He soon knocked on my door and I handed him the money.

"Thank you!" I smiled and he smiled back.

Just when I was about to close the door, Tom and a younger woman came up the stairs giggling giddily, hand in hand. They looked drunk. It was only 8pm.

"Oh hey, Bridget!" Tom exclaimed.

"Hey, Tom." I said before closing the door.

I heard them laugh and soon his door slammed shut. I rolled my eyes and went to my bed, opening Netflix and eating my meal.


"Oh fuck! Yes! Yes!"

"Tom! Tom! Tom!"

I now had earphones in, attempting to block the sounds of Tom and his lady friend - actually no, she looked more like a teenager than a 'lady' - next door. It was like that for half an hour, non stop.

He can't be that good, my god, stop faking.

It soon stopped, everything going quiet. Thank. God.

But then it sounded like furniture slamming repeatedly against the wall. I was going to murder him in the morning.


The next morning I got ready for my interview. I did my makeup and hair and put a stylish but professional outfit on. It was a really cool place so I didn't go too fancy.

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