7: Official Nicknames

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I entered my flat and closed the door, pressing my back to it.

"Shit." I cursed under my breath.

I dropped my bag to the floor and stripped off my jacket, kicking my now ruined heels off, too. I sprinted around the flat, trying to clean up from earlier on. Any food lying out was shoved into the bin, any dirty dishes were piled into the dishwasher and hidden, any clothes 0 clean or unclean - were bungled into my wardrobe and I quickly shut the doors before they could escape.

I began peeling off my clothes frantically, shuddering as the soaking garments slid off my skin and left a wet layer on my body. I changed into some plaid pyjama bottoms and a white oversized t-shirt. I looked in the mirror for the first time since I got back and my face was (unbeknownst to me) a riot. Mascara was running down my face, even my foundation was dripping down my skin, showing the more reddened and imperfect skin underneath. I sighed and grabbed some makeup wipes and took my makeup off, rubbing at my skin as fast as I could. I washed my face then brushed through my tangled hair and put it up in a bun on top off my head. I grabbed the wet clothes and shoved them in my washing basket and slid it across the floor into the bathroom.

There were knocks at the door. I looked around the flat and everything was fine...oh the bed fuck.

"One minute!" I called out.

I cursed as I fixed the bedsheets and arranged the pillows nicely on top. I clicked my bedside lamp on and lit a few candles around the flat and finally raced to the door, catching my breath before opening it.

Tom was standing in front of me, sporting a slight smile which grew a little wider when he saw me. He had plaid bottoms on like me with sliders and dark green crewneck jumper. His hair had already dried and it was back to its usual deep brown colour, only more curly as he hadn't styled it. His hands were held behind his back like he was hiding something.

"Are you still mad?" He asked rather innocently.

I couldn't stop the grin growing on my face, "I wasn't mad in the first place so, no."

He grinned fully, "Great. Surprise." He swung his hand around from behind his back.

He was holding a six-pack of beer.

"Okay, you're forgiven." I smiled.

"You said you weren't mad!" He laughed.

"I lied."

He rolled his eyes as I stepped aside, letting him in the flat.

"Wow, very nice, very nice." He nodded in approval, looking at what I'd done with it.

"Why thank you." I curtsied.

"Where should I sit?"

"Just...on the bed." I gulped, trying to make it seem non-sexual.

"I thought we said no funny business?" He smirked, sitting down on the edge of my bed.

I rolled my eyes as I walked over to him, a bottle opener in hand.

"There is going to be zero funny business tonight, Holland." I stated, sitting next to him.

"Whatever you say." He shrugged.

I handed him the bottle opener then went over to my bookshelf in front of the bed and sifted through my vinyl's in one of the shelves.

"Okay, I'm thinking 'The Greatest Jukebox Songs Of All Time'." I said, holding the album up.

Tom raised his brows, "Go for it. I didn't peg you for someone who'd like that kind of music."

I faux-gasped, placing the vinyl on the turntable and making sure the speakers were on before switching the turntable on and slowly dropping the needle onto the record.

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