20: Pearls, Gowns and Jealousy

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It was graduation day. Finally. After 4 years of work, I was here, ready to finish my education life and start working. I was up and getting ready early, eager to get there and graduate.

Tom came over to mine about an hour before we had to leave. By this time, I had just finished doing my makeup and switched on my straighteners. I was on my third cup of coffee and I had been up for two hours.

"Hey, how're you feeling?" Tom asked as soon as he opened the door.

I stood up from my desk and turned to look at him.

He had his tie in his hand and his jacket in his other, placing it on a barstool by the kitchen island as he walked in

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He had his tie in his hand and his jacket in his other, placing it on a barstool by the kitchen island as he walked in. He jangled his keys as he sat his stuff on the counter-top. He looked amazing and I was standing with a white robe on and my hair pulled back by a bunny-rabbit hairband.

"You look really great, Tom." I smiled.

"Thank you. How do you feel?" He asked, sitting his tie down and coming towards me.

"Nervous but so excited." He embraced me briefly then sat on the edge of my desk.

"I'm excited to see you." He grinned.

I took a deep breath and my straighteners beeped. I took my hairband off and sectioned my hair, clipping half of my hair up on the top of my head.

Tom watched curiously as I brushed the section of hair then took another smaller section and clamped it between the two pieces of metal and curled it around.

"Aren't those straighteners?" He asked.


"Why are you curling your hair with them then?"

"Because it's easier and less time consuming." I smiled.

He nodded like, 'huh', then continued watching me.

We chatted until my whole head was done and we were both gassed with hairspray. I flipped my hair upside down and shoogled it so it loosened off a bit then I played around with it until it looked like I wanted it to.

"Great. Dress time!" I exclaimed, rubbing my hands together.

"Did Frankie take you out the other day?" Tom called through as I went into the bathroom.

"Yeah he picked the dress." I called back.

"You like it though, right?"

"Yeah of course. It wasn't my first pick but- agh shit." I cursed.

"You okay?" He asked, standing up from the table.

"Could you zip me up?" I asked.

"Yep, just coming."

I heard him rustle around before he came into the bathroom and snuck in behind me. I held my hair up so he had more access and he traced his hands down my side. I watched him in the mirror as he tickled over my back and my bra strap then down further to where the zip was - right below my pant line. He briefly tucked his finger under the waistband of my black nice underwear I had specifically gotten for today then resumed his original task. He slid the zip up easily and I sighed after sucking in for so long.

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