19: The Necklace

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WARNINGS: DIRTY TALK, FINGERING (very brief hardly anything)

"Congrats Bridget!" Everyone exclaimed in unison as we clinked our glasses together.

I had finished my exams and I was going to graduate. I could relax and be calm now, no stress, no worries. Tom, Haz, Frankie and Greg all came round to the bar after my shift had finished to celebrate with me.

We were all sitting in a booth; Haz by the wall then Tom and I next to each other and Greg and Frankie opposite us.

I twirled the beer bottle around gently, "I can't believe I'm finally graduating next week."

"You deserve it." Tom smiled next to me.

"Thanks." I smiled back.

"Now, the real question is who is going to be your date?" Frankie asked, raising a brow.

I laughed, "My date will be Tom because my mother will be there and that means-"

"Fake dating." Tom finished for me.

"Super fun stuff." I chuckled.

"But you're all coming right?" I asked, looking at everyone.

"I can't, I've got a date with Gracie so..." Harrison said, not looking at me.

"It's fine don't worry, we can meet up later." I smiled.

"I'll be there obviously but Greg can't come." Frankie sighed, rubbing his boyfriends back.

"No problem." I smiled.


"And you'll take your gown off and reveal a gorgeous, floor length dress and-"

"Frankie it's a graduation not a ball." I laughed.

"Still! Do you even have your dress? No. Didn't think so. We'll go out tomorrow."

I rolled my eyes and laughed and looked around the table. Everyone's drinks were finished.

I collected them all, standing up.

"I can go up if you want," Tom offered.

"No it's okay, I've got it." I smiled.

I walked over to the bar and sat all the glasses down on the worktop, "Can we get another round please? Thanks."

I sat on a barstool and waited for the drinks. I felt an unfamiliar presence next to me.

"A pint please." A mans voice said.

I felt the man sit down next to me. I turned my seat awkwardly and smiled at him. I nearly choked on thin air: this man was gorgeous. He was tall with dark floppy hair and a structured face with square glasses that sat on top of his nose, framing his face nicely.

"Hi," He smiled.

"H-Hi." I gulped, a weird feeling of nervousness course through my body.

"Have we met before? You seem familiar." He asked softly.

His voice was low but he spoke gently and he had the same accent as Tom did.

"I don't think so but I work here so you might have seen me around."

"Ah, that must be it." He laughed lightly.

"I'm Elijah." He bit his lip softly, holding a hand out.

I shook it, "I'm Bridget."

The bartender sat Elijah's drink down in front of him. He thanked the bartender then stood up, "Nice to meet you, Bridget."

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