3: A Wild Imagination

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Toms POV

I came out of the bathroom and hopped up the steps to the bar area where we had gotten our table. As I walked up to the boys I saw a waitress stand in front of them. Then I recognised her hair and when I got close enough, I recognised the voice.

"Bridget?" I asked, standing a foot away from her.

She turned around and her mouth hung open, "You've got to be fucking kidding me."

I smiled and walked past her, sitting in my seat across from Harrison and Harry.

"You work here?" I asked.

"No I'm just doing this for fun." She said sarcastically.

"How do you two know each other?" Harry asked.

"We're neighbours." I answered.

Harry nodded awkwardly.

"So, anything I can get you or will you just aggravate me more?" She asked with a smile.

I admired how stubborn and upfront she was. I liked it.

"3 pints, please. And can I ask for a different waitress?" I asked.

She scoffed, "No. Sadly, no one else is available. However, you could spare me the time and just leave."

"That's alright, I think I'll stay."

"Fine. 3 pints coming up." She shrugged and walked away.

I shamelessly admired her ass as she swayed her hips from side to side, walking up to the bartender and asking him for our drinks. But I quickly noticed how the relatively attractive bartender was chatting to her and making her laugh. She looked gorgeous when she laughed. A pang of jealousy fluttered through me as I watched him blatantly flirt with her.

But soon enough he finally gave her the drinks and she was back over with them.

"Enjoy." She gave us a weak smile before walking away.

"She's hot, Tom." Harrison smirked.

"But you haven't-"

"No. She moved in a few days ago and clearly despises me." I laughed.

Harry squinted, "So why are you happy?"

"Because I know she'll come around."

"Keep telling yourself that, mate. She seems different."


A few rounds later and we were all quite tipsy. We had moved to the snooker part and were playing against each other.

"If I end up having to drag you home tonight you'll never hear the end of it." Bridget sighed as she gave us our 4th round of drinks.

"Maybe I want you to drag me home tonight." I licked my lips.

She gathered some empty glasses on the tray and shook her head with a smile.

"Hey! I got you to smile!" I pointed, laughing.

She let out a small chuckle, "You're annoying." She said before walking away.

"See! Maybe she does like me." I shrugged at the boys.

"I think she's just being polite, mate." Haz sniggered.


I couldn't stop watching Bridget as she flirted with the bartender guy. He was tall and had dark hair and looked like an utter asshole. But because the place was quietening down, she had more time to relax so she was sitting on a barstool between servings, chatting with him.

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