5: A Taste

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WARNINGS: SMUT, FINGERING, ORAL (fem recv), DIRTY TALK, UNPROTECTED SEX (wrap before you tap kiddos)


My bra dropped from my chest and Tom then dropped it onto the floor.

I just realised that I was now half naked in front of Tom. My neighbour. Who I hardly know.

"Tom, I-"

His lips crashed into mine again, pushing his tongue into my mouth. His hands cupped my face and ran under my hair. I melted into the kiss and I gripped his shoulders closer to me. Our chests were touching, our skin was burning mutually.

He lowered his sloppy kisses to my jaw were he grazed along the bone with his tongue and when he got to my ear he kissed it slightly before moving below it. He moved the hair away and kissed just under my ear.

I gripped his hair and hummed with pleasure. He moved his way to my neck where he left marks and licked, nibbled and sucked on my skin.

"Tom..." I moaned lightly.

He pulled away from my skin briefly, lowering onto the floor. I furrowed my brows as he rested on his knees in front of me. He removed the heels from my feet and then unbuttoned my jeans, slowly and carefully pulling them down. They soon dropped to the floor and he stood back up, encasing my lips in another ravishing kiss, his tongue working wonders on mine. I didn't even bother trying to take hold of the kiss, he was doing it so well.

His hand went from my cheek, to my neck, grazing it slightly and then to my breasts, grabbing one briefly and moving further down. His finger tips tickled the skin on my stomach and then slid his hand swiftly under my underwear.

I gasped, gripping his forearm. I looked up at him and he looked at me with lustful eyes, his bottom lip tucked in between his teeth.

His fingers began circling my clit, slowly but effectively. I moaned and let my head fall back onto my shoulders. He jumped at the chance to kiss and lick on my neck, working over all my skin. His fingers sped up slightly as his kisses got more heated.

"Faster." I whispered.

I felt his smirk against my skin and he did exactly that. His fingers quickened on my clit.

"Oh god!" I moaned lightly, tugging his hair.

"Are you close, darling?" He asked lowly.

I hummed a yes. He sped up further. I gripped his arm and his hair. He had stopped kissing my skin which I didn't even notice but he stared at me, watching me as I came close to finishing.

But I wanted more.

"Tom, wait." I whispered.

He stopped and came eye level to me, "You okay?" He asked softly.

I looked needily into his eyes, "I want your mouth." I said in a whisper.

His eyes widened slightly, his mouth parting.


"You don't have to I just-"

"No, I want to. I want to taste you." He smiled.

I pooled my underwear just from that sentence. He looked from my eyes to my lips and quickly kissed me before getting back on his knees in front of me.

"Can you jump off quickly?" He asked softly.

I nodded and stood off from the table. He was face-to-face with my crotch - both of us laughed a little. He took both of his hands and hooked his thumbs in the side of my pants, slowly sliding them down.

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