8: Do It Again

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Tom's POV

"Oh fuck." I panted as we crashed back onto the bed, our chests heaving up and down.

"That was...that was good." She panted next to me.

I looked over at her and she looked at me.

"You're really hot." I smiled.

She rolled her eyes with a grin.

And Bridget was hot. Extremely hot. She was also cute and beautiful. But she was hot. I looked at her as she lay with her eyes closed, facing the ceiling and catching her breath back. Her skin was pale and soft but her cheeks were now red from our...activities. Her hair sprawled out on the white bedsheets and despite the messiness of it, it still looked shiny. Her eyelashes were really long and naturally curled, whenever she opened her eyes they nearly hit her eyebrows.
And her body. I could look at it all day. If her body was a subject in school, I would have a masters degree in it by now.

"Could you uh...get me a towel? They're in the bathroom." She asked, breaking me out of my train of thought.

"Shit- sorry, yep." I scurried to get up and quickly ran to the bathroom and grabbed the first towel I could find.

Her bathroom was much nicer than mine.

I made my way back, covering my exposed crotch with the towel. She sat up onto her elbows and laughed at me as I made my way over to her.

She held her hand out to get it but I kept it in my hands and kneeled on the bed.

"What're you doing?" She asked, looking down at me.

"I'm taking care of you." I smiled.

She tilted her head in confusion. I lay the towel down, nearer the end of the bed. She was about to ask why I put it there but I quickly pulled her towards me until her bottom half was lying on the towel. I slithered off the bed, kneeling at the end of it.

"Tom, what are you doing?" She asked, warning and curiosity in her tone.

"I though I should clean you up..." I smirked at her.

She furrowed her brows. I licked up the insides of her thighs, all the way to her core.

"Shit," She hissed, her thighs clenching.

"You're so messy."

She hummed and looked down at me, "I have a strange feeling you're not cleaning me up."

I smiled up at her, "No, I am. I'm just using my tongue instead."

She gasped as I licked through her folds. She ran her fingers through my hair and hummed. I looked up at her as I flicked my tongue upwards on her clit. She lay down fully and arched her back, one hand in my hair while the other fisted the bed sheet above her.

"That feels so good." She moaned.

I brought my fingers up and easily slipped two inside of her. She moaned in response, her thighs slowly closing in on me. But I let her. If I was to die, I would gladly die like this.

"Tom, I'm so close." She moaned.

I was slightly surprised at the quickness of it all but then again, she was already sensitive.

"Come for me, darling." I groaned against her.

I moved my fingers faster, curling them inside of her while my tongue moved on her clit. Her grip of my hair got tighter and with every tug my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

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