9: The Contract

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Bridget's POV

Tom and I stayed up and talked more until we couldn't anymore.

I woke up late in the morning with a phone call. I groaned from the noise and quickly found my phone to answer it.

Tom had obviously woken up too but as we were in the spooning position, he pulled my closer into his body, his head nuzzling in the crook of my neck. His hair tickled the underside of my chin as I answered the phone.

"Hello?" I asked, my voice groggy.

"Bridget, what the fuck?!" Frankie whisper-shouted through the phone.

"What?" I sighed.

"You didn't clear up at all last night!"

"Yeah I got...preoccupied." I said with a smirk.

"Well, now Cat is not just on your ass but she's on mine because apparently you're still fucking training."

"Shit, I'm so sorry, Frankie. I'll close for you tonight and I'll do it properly."

"Damn right you will. Just get here early and apologise perfusely and say it had nothing to do with me because it didn't."

I could hear his smile through the phone.

"Fine. Done and done. I'll see you tonight."

"Bye, love you."

We hung up and I tucked my phone under my pillow and resumed the position I was in before.

Tom stirred next to me, a low, raspy hum leaving his lips as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me onto his chest. I was only wearing his t-shirt and pants and he was only wearing boxers however I was still sad we weren't skin to skin.

"Morning." He smiled up at me with heavy eyes.

"Morning, div." I chuckled, wiping the curls from his forehead only for them to fall back down.

"I like your curly hair." I smiled softly.

"I like your curly hair." He laughed.

"I hate my natural hair shut up." I covered my face with my hands.

"Why? You suit it!"

"I hate you."

"That's a lie."

"No it's not."

"If you hated me then you wouldn't have done what we did last night."

I paused.


I pushed off him with wide eyes and jumped off the bed.

"What happened? Where you going?!" Tom asked, sitting up, watching me as I pranced around the flat looking for a notebook and pen.

"We didn't make the contract before starting!"

"You want to do it?!" Tom asked in excitement.

I came back with an A4 line notepad and a pen, sitting in front of him.

"Yeah I thought that was pretty obvious."

He smirked, "Let's decide then."


"Nothing with your butt at all?!" Tom exclaimed.

We had moved to the kitchen as we were both starving. I was making eggs and French toast while Tom sat at the kitchen island with the growing list.

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