22: The Premiere

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A/N: it is currently 02:21am. this chapter is my longest yet at a whopping 4,800 words. i hope you guys enjoy. please interact with this or i might cry. enjoy :')


Bridget's POV

"I hate that I'm away so often, we've only hung out a handful of times and we've been dating for 4 weeks." Elijah sighed over the phone.

I was sitting on the couch fiddling with the drawstrings on my shorts, "It sucks. I miss you."

"I miss you too...have anything planned for the weekend?" He asked.

I looked at the sparkly blue dress hung up on my bathroom door and bit my lip, "Nope. Working non-stop though."

"Oh really? Will you be able to call tomorrow night? It's my only night off so I though we could maybe facetime." He suggested with an implying tone.

I looked back at the dress and the shoes and swallowed, "Tomorrow I'm on the night shift and closing up. Sorry."

"Damn...when I get back I will spend every fucking second with you, just wait."

I giggled, shuffling down so I was lying on my couch, "Oh yeah? What will we do?"

"Well, I was thinking I would take you out to dinner and we'd walk around town for a bit. Then we'd go back to my place, drink a little, listen to some music and..."

"And?" I prompted.

"You know what." He chuckled.

"I don't!"

"Yes you do."

"Elijah, I don't."

I heard him readjust his position in bed, "I'd fuck you."

I bit my lip, "You would?"


I gulped, "What would you uh...what would you do?"

"I'd kiss all over your body until I got to your underwear..."

I slipped my hand underneath my pants, "Yeah..."

"And I'd lick your pussy till you scream."

I rubbed my clit and arched my back, "Fuck." I moaned.

"Are you touching yourself?" He asked.


"Are you thinking of me?" He asked.

I stayed silent, my eyes closing and my fingers speeding up.

"I'm thinking of you...running my hand up and down my dick."

He sounded so much like Tom.

I moaned into the microphone.

"Can't wait to be inside you, baby." He groaned.

"Fuck, yes." I hummed. 

"Can't wait to cum inside you."

I moaned louder, a familiar knot tightening in my stomach.

"You like that? You want me to cum in you?"

"Yes!" I moaned, feeling my high approaching.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum." He announced before groaning and moaning my name through the phone.

"I'm gonna- oh shit!" I quickly turned the microphone off and moaned.

"Yes! Fuck! Tom, yes!" I moaned, coming undone.

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