11: Your Night

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WARNINGS: oh fuck i'm sorry

"Bridget! Wake up!" Tom shook me awake.

I opened my eyes to see him standing over me, hair messy, eyes wide and shirtless.

"What happened?" I asked, startled.

"My agent just called. I got the job!" He exclaimed.

"Oh my god! Well done!" I congratulated, wrapping my arms around him.

"Thanks! Oh my god, Bridge. This is my big break." He said in disbelief as we parted, sitting next to each other on the bed.

"What's it about?" I asked.

"It's called 'Past Life'. It starts with my character, Will, in this time era talking to his son about his life and it goes back and forth between now and the past. It's super cool. My character is a veteran so there's tons of cool action scenes and he falls in love with one of the women in command. It's amazing."

"I'm so excited for you, Tom. Should we celebrate tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah we could hang out at the pub or-"

"Not at my workplace." I shook my head.

"Good point. Uh, we could just have a party here at mine and invite a bunch of people." He shrugged.

"Sounds good!" I stood up from the bed and Tom shuffled up to the top, leaning against the headboard and looking at his phone.

I smirked at the thought that popped into my head and I got back onto the bed. I crawled over Toms legs and rubbed his thighs.

"Maybe I could give you a...celebratory gift?" I smirked up at him.

He gulped and flung his phone half way across the flat, "I'm listening."

I bit my lip and crawled further up his body until my face just got close to his.

"I'll make us breakfast." I whispered.

He exhaled a laugh, "You're annoying." He commented, nudging me off of him.


I got dressed for the party and just put my hair up in a clip

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I got dressed for the party and just put my hair up in a clip. Harrison and Toms brothers were helping set everything up while I got ready. I put some heeled boots on and did some very light makeup. I sprayed myself with perfume then grabbed my phone and left the flat and went next door to Toms where I could already hear the music playing. I opened the door and Harrison, Harry, Tom and another curly headed brunette boy were all standing in the kitchen.

"Hey guys," I smiled.

"Hey, Bridge. Want a drink?" Tom asked.

"Yeah, a beer's good." I said, walking up to the kitchen island where everyone was standing.

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