17: I Didn't Run

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Mother left town that night. So Tom and I were back to normal...kind of. After my slight breakdown, Tom and I's relationship got a little rocky. Tom was busy with work and we'd awkwardly see each other at the bar a few times. We didn't stop talking or fucking it was just not as much as we did.

That night seemed a little too much like a relationship and we both freaked out in the morning because instead of just fucking our problems away, we cuddled...I know, ew. Then in the morning, we weren't naked or in our underwear, we were in proper pyjamas and both of us knew how weird it felt.

So it's been over 3 weeks and my 24th birthday is on Friday...Halloween. I don't have any plans and Frankie is working so I'm by myself, again, for a birthday.

Friday rolled around pretty fast, I was working a lot since I wanted to pay off my uni fees as fast as possible because I was graduating in December. The people at work surprised me with a Tesco bought cake that had bats and shit on it and a few candles on top. They sang the happy birthday song and I smiled awkwardly as they sang. I blew out the candles and Cat cut the cake then gave me the rest to take home in a Styrofoam box. I put my leather jacket on and grabbed my box in the back room, thanking people as they wished me a happy birthday.

"Hey, where's Frankie?" I asked Julie, one of the bartenders.

"He left 10 minutes ago. Said he had a party to go to." She shrugged.

I scoffed, "Of course."

Even Frankie was lying to me about 'working' on my birthday.

"Thanks, Julie. See you on Monday." I smiled and left the back room.


I climbed up the stairs to my apartment, ready to eat my stupid Halloween birthday cake and watch Hercules alone. Maybe booty call Tom. Who knows. I unlocked my flat and nearly jumped out of my skin when a bunch of people popped out screaming, "SURPRISE!"

"What the-"

"Happy birthday sexy!" Frankie exclaimed, coming up to me.

"So you really did have a party you needed to go to, huh." I smiled weakly.

"I did! And Bridget, this is Greg." Frankie smiled proudly, introducing me officially to his boyfriend.

"Hi Greg, I've heard so much about you." I smiled genuinley, hugging him.

"All bad I hope." He joked.

"Of course." I laughed.

I looked around the room and my eye caught Toms, looking at me from the edge of my couch over his beer bottle.

"Did you plan this?" I asked quitely despite the now rather loud music playing.

"No, Tom and his friend...Harrison? Or Harry? I can't remember. But they planned it." Frankie smiled.


"Why? Oh no, what happened?" He asked.

"Tom and I haven't really talked for a few weeks. We only had sex like once and then we kissed but it didn't lead to anything so...it was weird." I sighed.

Frankie grabbed a beer and placed it in my hands, "Go talk to him. I'm sure everything is fine."

I sighed, "Okay."

I began making my way over to Tom but getting caught up by conversations with some people I kind of knew. After about 20 minutes and me shedding off my jacket and nearly finishing my drink, I made it over to Tom who was still leaning against the back of my couch. He had a black t-shirt on with black jeans.

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