32: Epilogue

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1 year later

"You're insatiable, Thomas." I chuckled.

Toms hands were wrapped around my waist, his crotch flush against my backside as I tried to make breakfast. His lips kissed and nipped my skin.

"It's my hot girlfriend's fault." He mumbled.

"Oh yeah? What's she like?" I smirked, flipping the French toast.

He hummed into my neck.

"She's sexy," Kiss.
"She's beautiful," Kiss.
"She's passionate," Kiss.
"She's a great teacher," Kiss.
"She's an absolute horndog-"

I gasped and slapped him with a laugh.

"But most importantly-" He flipped me around and pushed me further into the kitchen counter.

"She's the best human/girlfriend ever." He smiled against my lips.

I giggled into the kiss as he pressed his lips to mine.

"Well," I started.

He pulled away, looking down at me lustfully.

"My boyfriend is a piece of shite."

His jaw fell to the floor and he gasped dramatically. I burst into laughter and he backed away in 'annoyance'.

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" I laughed, reaching my hands out to hug him.

"No! That's mean! You're mean!" He couldn't help but laugh as he walked backwards.

I followed him, still giggling at him.

"I'm sorry, love. I was kidding. Obviously you're not." I smiled, finally able to reach him.

I swung my arms around his neck and he sat his hands on my hips.

"What am I then?" He raised a brow.

"You're handsome, and talented, and hot and the best boyfriend a girl could ask for." I giggled, our lips ghosting over each others again.

He sighed, "I guess you're forgiven."

"Yey." I grinned.

He pressed his lips against mine again. I tangled my fingers in his bed hair and pulled him as close to me as possible. His tongue roamed my mouth while his hands found their way to my ass, squeezing and groping the flesh.

I moaned and he lifted me up and onto the kitchen island, standing in between my legs.

Suddenly his phone broke the moment and he groaned, pulling away.

"Noooo, don't check it. Keep kissing me." I pouted, grabbing his bicep.

He checked it and it was his agent.

"I'll be right back and I'll fuck you over that kitchen counter to make up for it." He smirked.

My breath hitched in my throat, "Sounds like a plan." I gulped.

He answered the phone, holding it to his ear.

"Hey...yeah...yeah? Wait...WHAT? You're serious? Oh my god. Okay...yeah...yeah...great! Thank you!" He turned around in shock.

I slipped off of the counter and looked at him with concern.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"I uh..." He stuttered and laughed.

"I just got cast as Spider-Man." He said in shock.

I stared at him with wide eyes, my jaw falling slack.

"What the fu-!"

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