23: The Next Brangelina

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After Tom had done a bunch of interviews while the boys and I waited and watched on as he gracefully and politely made his way around everyone, we were all being directed to the actual cinema.

I tried to keep the stupid thoughts of me liking Tom at bay. I couldn't say anything. I shouldn't. It would ruin the night and I'm not even sure I can verbally say that. We saw Tom heading our way with a huge security guard practically attached to him.

"Tom!" I waved with a grin at him.

He smiled and his eyes lit up and he started walking faster towards us. There were so many people in the way trying to get to the cinema so it was difficult to navigate through.

"There's that look again." Sam whispered into my ear, referring to Toms glowing eyes.

I gulped and butterflies fluttered through my stomach when he bit his lip as he got to us.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, leaning in and kissing my cheek, placing a hand on my hip.

"Y-Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I smiled as he pulled away.

"You look a little...flushed."

"I'm fine it's just all very overwhelming." I laughed nervously.

He smiled, "I know. But we've got security so should we head inside?" Tom asked us all, taking my hand.

We all followed the crowd of people into the huge theatre and I gripped Toms hand like a vice. We had to go single file as we got to the aisles in between the seats. Tom let me dig my nails into his hand and showed us where to sit. We walked into the third row and Tom smiled at Jake Gyllenhaal as he couldn't hug him due to me gripping his hand.

"My favourite couple." Jake commented with a smirk as we sat down.

I sat my wrap on my lap and my bag next to me on my chair. Our hands were still intertwined, resting on my lap.

He leaned over to me, "Love, I'm going to have to shake people's hands right now and you've got my right hand."

My breath hitched at the casual use of the pet name and then I let his hand go, "Sorry." I smiled.

"Don't be. I'll be back in a second." He winked and got up, making his way through the whole pew of people and the people in the row behind.

I watched proudly as he grinned blissfully, chatting to everyone equally and kindly. I loved the way he spoke when he was talking about work or taking praise. He really loved his job and this was the biggest night of his life - we all knew it.

"So, Bridget," Jake started from a seat away from me.

I turned to him, "Yes?"

"I saw you out on the red carpet. You're a natural." He smiled.

I laughed and blushed at the compliment, "Thank you."

"You might worry that you don't fit in or something like that. But everyone in this industry is faking it. We're professional liars. And now, technically, you're in this industry too. So, don't feel like you have to fit in because really, no one does. We're all just faking this glamorousness that is Hollywood. So don't get stressed."

I smiled at the helpful advice then I looked at Tom, "He seems to just thrive in these situations." I said.

Jake looked back at him then to me again, "Because he's a rare one. He's gifted with the natural ability to fit in but in a way where he's not lying. He fits in himself which is very rare."

I watched him as he hugged a woman at the end of the second row.

"It's odd to witness someone's life change in front of you."

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