6: The Storm

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"So...what the fuck just happened?" I asked.

He laughed and grabbed a few sheets of kitchen roll, handing me some to clean up with.

"You told me off and everything you said was true." He shrugged with a smug smile.

I wiped Toms cum from my stomach. After it happens, it's not that sexy anymore.

"So because I was right that made you want to spontaneously fuck me?"

He burst into laughter and pulled his jeans back up, "No, not entirely. Honestly, I've wanted to fuck you since I first saw you." He looked at me with a slight smile, almost endearing.

I squinted at him, "Does that have any romantic connotations or-"

"No. No romantic feelings. Just...physical attraction. You're not even my usual type-"

"Seriously, Tom?!" I scoffed a laugh.

"Hey! Come on, I meant it as a compliment!"

"That's not a compliment. Not at all." I sighed and finished cleaning myself up.

"I have to pee." I said, grabbing my clothes on the way to the bathroom.

Tom followed me in and stood by the sink while I went into the stall.

"I mean, you said you thought of me fucking you." He said.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, and? It's just physical."

"Exactly!" He exclaimed.

I flushed the toilet and came out of the bathroom fully dressed again. I went to the sink and washed my hands, looking in the mirror as Tom stood next to me, his arms folded across his chest.

"I don't know what you're implying, Tom. But what just happened-"

"Was amazing!" He grinned.

"-should never happen again." I corrected.

"What? Why?"

I sighed, grabbing some paper towels and drying my hands, "It's too complicated. It was weird and awkward enough the past two weeks when we hadn't spoke or anything. If we start sleeping with each other and something happens then we're going to be even worse and one of us will have to move." I stated, chucking the paper towels in the bin.

He groaned, "Come on, Bridge. I'm serious."

I looked at him as I removed the bin bag from the bin and tied it.

"Serious about what?" I asked, leaving the background, Tom scurrying behind.

"We should start sleeping with each other regularly." He said.

"What?!" I exclaimed, throwing the bin bag by the back door.

"What? We find each other attractive, we have chemistry, we clearly enjoy sex with AND neither of us wants a commitment. It's just casual. Just sex." He proposed.

I looked at him, slowly putting my shoes back on.

"I don't know if that's a good idea."


"Because! Everyone knows what happens in the films and the books. They say they'll just stay friends with benefits but really they both have feelings or develop feelings and Tom, as much as you are likeable, I do not want to catch feelings for you."

"I don't want to catch feeling for you either. And we won't."

I scoffed, "How do you know that?"

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