24: Movie Star

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also there's some naked bath time action...does that need a warning? maybe.

6365 words...the longest chapter i have ever written. enjoy! i'm proud :')

"I've loved you since the day I met you!"

"Why didn't you say anything?!"

"Because I was scared!"

"You were scared? Scared of what?!"

"Scared of losing you!"

"You'll never lose me...I love you too."

The sweeping music washed over everyone in the theatre as Tom and his co-star kissed in the rain. I watched in awe, tears rolling down my face and my hand pressed to my chest as I watched a beautiful romantic scene...with Tom in it.

The whole movie was gorgeous and intense and romantic and emotional and it was everything a movie should be. Everything from the actors to the music was stunning and despite Tom being in the movie, I truly was loving it.

The movie ended and everyone applauded, watching as the credits rolled by, pointing out their own names or their loved ones names, chatting about the movie.
I sat speechless, watching as Toms name came up first in big font.

Tom squeezed my thigh. His hand had stayed in the same spot on my leg for the whole 2 hours of the film and I wasn't complaining. He'd squeeze it whenever he got nervous or excited and I let him. It was fun seeing him so happy and proud of his work.

I had only been to set a few times because we were both so busy when he was filming but I didn't expect the movie to be this amazing. It was Tom's first big job and he was fucking phenomenal.

"So?" Tom prompted our row.

"It was amazing, Tom."
"I hear an Oscar coming."
"You're a fucking legend."
"Who knew you could actually act?"

All the boys shared their comments while I sat still in awe.

"Bridget? You with us?" Tom laughed.

"I uh...wow." I swallowed, turning my head to look at him.

"Did you like it?" He asked, his nervousness clear as day.

"Did I li- Did I like it?! Tom, it was the best movie I have ever seen! I'm not kidding!" I exclaimed, facing him completely.

"You really liked it?!"

"I loved it! It was romantic and emotional and action-packed and god you looked great in that army uniform." I giggled.

He chuckled, "I was really nervous for you to see it."

I furrowed my brows, "Why me?"

"Because...you know...you're like my go-to person for everything and if you didn't like it, I'd walk up to Fraser and Elena and tell them to re-shoot the whole bloody thing." He laughed.

I smiled, "Aw, you care about my opinion, how cute!" I teased.

He rolled his eyes, "Don't rip it."

"Oh I'm going to." I laughed.

He shook his head and laughed with me.

"You're a movie star now." I stated.

"I guess so."

I bit my lip, "That means I'm fucking a movie star."

He quirked a brow, "I suppose it does."

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