10: Shaken or Stirred?

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I got into work early like Frankie told me. I unpacked my stuff and put my waist apron on. Just as I was about to start my shift, Cat came into the back room.

"Ah, Bridget, just who I wanted to see. Come to my office with me." She said with no expression.

I gulped and followed her across the pub to her office. I walked in first and she closed the door behind us and gestured for me to sit down, so I did.

"Bridget, I think you are an amazing girl with a lot of potential. You're probably the best waitress we've got. You fit in, you work hard, you do as your told and you're polite which is hard to come by these days."

I clenched my jaw, waiting for the ball to drop.

"But when I told you last night to close up. What was left for the morning was not clean. I had to clean up everything half an hour before we opened. Now, I don't know what happened but I'm guessing something happened last night that made you leave abruptly like that because you're not the type of girl to do that. Am I right?" She asked.

I nodded slowly. I couldn't tell her my neighbour came by to fuck me on the snooker table so I just nodded and said, "Yes."

"You don't have to tell me what happened. But next time something does happen, text me so I know to come earlier. You know you're one of my favourite's so you can ask for stuff like that. It's okay. But because of that, you'll have to close up tonight again. Frankie will get tomorrow and so on and so forth. Sound good?"


It hit 9pm and I was wondering where Tom was. I hadn't seen him all night. We didn't even have each others numbers so it wasn't like I could message him.

But soon enough, I heard the doors open and I walked over to seat the guests.

The guests included Tom and the same guys from the last time.

"Well, hello." I smiled.

"Hey." Tom smirked back.

"Meal or drinks?" I asked.


"Great. Follow me."

They followed me to the bar and I got behind the bar.

"How are you guys?" I asked.

"Great." The blonde and the curly haired brunette answered in unison.

"Are you going to introduce us or?" I asked Tom.

"Shit- yes. This is Harry my brother and this is Harrison my best mate. This is Bridget." Tom introduced us.

"Nice to meet you guys." I smiled.

"We know about your arrangement so no need to worry." Haz smirked.

"Dude!" Tom punched his arm.

I sighed, "Good to know. I have to work now but we can talk later, yeah?"


It hit midnight and all I was doing was ferrying drinks back and forth to the odd few people that were here. In between my breaks of no service I stood by the boys' table and chatted while they played.

"Weirdest place you've had sex - go." Harrison asked before taking his shot.

"Against a tree in a park." I answered.

"During the day or night?"

I paused, "It was like noon."

They all burst out laughing.

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