14: Mother

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2 weeks later

"Good morning." Tom hummed calmly in my ear.

I groaned and pulled the covers up over my head.

"What's wrong?" Tom asked, attempting to pull the covers away.

I didn't answer. I kept the covers held over my head but of course Tom overpowered me. He managed to pull the sheets entirely off the bed and had now gotten on top of me so I couldn't escape.

"What's wrong?" He asked again.

"Nothing. Now let me go!" I exclaimed, attempting to get out of bed.

"No!" He laughed, beginning to tickle my sides.

"Stop it!" I shouted, holding back laughter as I squirmed underneath him.

"Tell me what's wrong!" He shouted.

He pinned me by my forearms to the bed and we both sat panting.

"It's my mothers birthday today and that means she'll call me and tell me how much of a horrible daughter I am and how much of a horrible gift I gave her." I sighed, not looking up at Tom.

"You've never spoken about your mum before...what did you get her?"

"A spa day at the Lily Lounge."

"Oh my fucking god, what? That's so expensive!" Tom said in surprise and a hint of anger.

"Well yeah that's the whole point! If I got her a fucking voucher or some shit I'd be disowned right there and then!"

Tom sighed and let go of my arms but stayed on top of me.

"Okay, how about we don't think about your mum."

"How are we supposed to do that?"

He smirked and leaned down to kiss me. I hummed in his mouth and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me.

He slowly moved his kisses down to my jaw and neck, nipping and licking my skin and leaving marks all over me. He trailed down past my bralette and to my stomach, planting a few cute kisses around my belly button. He reached my pant line and bit the material, slowly dragging them down to my knees where he practically ripped them off and threw them to the side.

He kissed up my thighs and held them open. I tugged his hair and hummed a moan. He dipped his head between my thighs and licked a strip from my entrance to my clit. I moaned and arched my back, gaining some relief from his touch. He flicked and licked his tongue upwards on my clit continuously, holding my legs open despite my efforts.

"Fuck, Tom, that feels so good!" I praised, my mouth hanging wide open.

"You taste so good, love." He complimented.

I ignored the unusual use of the word 'love' and let it leave my mind. He brought a finger up and pushed it into me, curling it up and caressing my g-spot.

"Fuck!" I moaned, gripping his hair.

"Jesus, Bridge, are you already close?"


"Good girl."

"Faster, Tommy." I moaned, using both of my hands to grip onto his hair.

He inserted another finger inside me and sped up his tongue, his fingers curling inside of me.

"Fuck, I'm so close." I announced, attempting to close my thighs but his grip on me was too strong.

"Come for me, darling." He groaned against me.

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