30: Love Of My Life

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Toms POV

"What? Why have I to close up?" I asked, completely confused at Harry.

"Frankie's...aunt died like just now, so...you're the next person he knows." Harry spoke shakily, almost like he was nervous.

"What about Greg or even Bridget?"

I ignored the tug of my heart when I said her name.

"Greg is obviously with Frankie and Bridget is uh...out."

"Out?" I raised a brow.

"With Elijah I think."

I licked my teeth then sighed.

"Fine, I'll go get changed."


Bridget's POV

I rushed to get an outfit on that wasn't pyjamas and then reapplied some very light makeup consisting of concealer and mascara with some lipstick. I brushed my hair and it fell loosely around my shoulders in waves. I shoved on shoes, sprayed the perfume I knew Tom liked, grabbed my shit then ran out the building.

I got in the car and drove off, practising what I would say to him out loud

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I got in the car and drove off, practising what I would say to him out loud. My phone dinged and I looked to the passenger seat.

Harry: He's just left. ETA: 20 mins.


I tried my best to drive carefully through the lashing rain. Since it was pitch black outside, it made things even worse. But I had to get there fast enough. Before him.

I finally made it outside and I squealed and grunted as I made my way inside the bar, sighing with relief as I got in.

I looked up and Frankie was standing behind the bar, wiping the surface with a cloth and shaking his head.

"Here comes the surprising hopeless romantic." He announced with a smile.

I rolled my eyes and jogged behind the bar with him.

"You need to leave by the way." I nudged him as I got martini glasses out.

"Hey, you don't even work here anymore, I have to close up."

"I'll buy you dinner. Please?" I pouted at him.

He smiled, "I would have done it for free." And he slipped away.

"Wh- No!" I called after him as he scurried off to get his stuff.

"Too late! You already said!" He laughed from the back room.

I shook off my jacket and looked in the mirror that was mounted across the room. I readjusted my hair from afar, squinting to see any imperfections.

Frankie came back out then waved, "Good luck, text me!"

"I will." I smiled and he left into the wailing wind.

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