31: Happy

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We exited the bar promptly and screamed into the wind like we did the first night as we raced to my car. Tom decided he'd leave his car and get it in the morning. We both got in and I started driving immediately.

Tom reached a hand over to my thigh and squeezed. I bit my lip and gripped the steering wheel, pressing my foot a smidge harder on the accelerator. He smirked at my action then removed his hand. He brought it to my arm and slowly traced his finger tips up my arm, my shoulder and then my neck. He brushed some hair behind my ear then drew along the outline of my ear delicately. Just his simple touch made my mind go hazy.

He left my ear and caressed my jaw line. I could see him in my peripheral vision. He had his head tilted back slightly, his eyes were dark and hungry and his mouth was slightly parted, concentrating on where his fingers where touching.

He got to my chin and held it lightly with his fingers under my chin and his thumb resting just below my lip. He lifted my chin up slightly and slowly and bit his lip.

"You're the definition of perfection, love."


"Could say the same about you." I replied with a slight smirk.

A glint of playfulness struck in his eyes and he moved his thumb up further, onto my lip. He traced over my bottom lip, then to my top, and finally - but agonisingly - placing it into my mouth. I welcomed the familiar but missed taste of his skin on my tongue and closed my mouth around his thumb. We came to a red light and I was able to look over at him.

A small smirk curved on his lips as he pushed his thumb further into my mouth. I welcomed it and grazed over his skin with my teeth, swirling my tongue around his finger-tip.

He bit his lip and his eyes stayed on my mouth, glossed with lust and excitement.

The light went green again and I drove off, faster than I did before.

We very quickly arrived outside the block of flats and I turned the car off.

"Been a while since I've been here." He said, taking his seatbelt off.

"Nothing's really changed." I sighed.

"New neighbour?" He asked.

I nodded.

"What're they like?" He queried.

I shrugged, "He doesn't fuck me nearly enough as you did."

I slid out the car with a grin and he followed. The rain had calmed down so it wasn't too bad.

"So it's a he? Does he fuck you at all?" Tom asked, shutting his door.

I locked the car, "No, he doesn't fuck me ever."

He nodded in approval, "Good. I wouldn't want any replacements."

I rolled my eyes and laughed then took his hand in mine and lead him towards the door.

"Wait," He stopped and tugged my hand a little.

I turned around and looked at him.

"Are you and Elijah-"

"We're done. I'm telling him tonight." I stated.

He sighed with relief, "Thank god."

I smiled and he joined me by my side and we walked to the door. I put the key in then we went inside. It was quiet in the hallway and it felt almost criminal to be coming home this late.

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