29: Game On

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3 months later

Toms POV

"TOM! What happened with Bridget?"
"Where's the girl?"
"Is it true Bridget cheated on you?"

I moved in sync with my security guards as I left the airport and headed into a blacked out car that was waiting for me. Harry opened the door for me and I lowered my cap, sliding discreetly in. Harry got in after me, sighing and shutting the door. Our stuff was put into the boot and our driver drove off.

I looked outside at the rainy, stormy weather and sighed. Back in London and this is the greeting I get.

My phone rang in my pocket. It was Mum. I picked up and put her on speaker so Harry could hear.

"Hey, Mum."

"Hey, Tom. Are you on your way?" Mum asked.

"Yeah we're just heading out of the airport right now."

"Great, I'll get dinner started then."

I smiled slightly, the thought of a good homemade meal sounded amazing right about now.

"Thanks, Mum. See you soon. Bye, bye." We hung up and I shoved my phone back in my pocket.

"Nervous about being back?" Harry asked.

I took a deep breath, "A little."

"Well at least you don't live there anymore. It's not like you have to see her."

"Yeah, I guess...but maybe that makes it worse."


"What is this?" Bridget asked, door halfway open.

She stared at me with a box in my hands.

"It's all your stuff from my place." I swallowed.

"Wh- Tom it's only been two weeks." She looked into my eyes.

"Well I'm leaving for Thailand in a few days with Harry and I'm not going to be living here anymore, so."

"Wait, what? You're moving?"


She stuttered, "What- how- I-...why?"

"Because there's no point in me staying here anymore, you know. When I can live in a bigger place."

She scoffed and took the box from my hands, "Couldn't even wait two fucking weeks, could you?"

And the door slammed in my face.


The car parked outside of the family house and our driver helped us in with our bags as well as holding an umbrella over our heads to shield us from the lashing rain. We thanked him and he drove off. I clicked the doorbell and Mum and Dad showed up with beaming smiles.

"Hey!" They embraced us immediately.

I sank into the warm touch of Mum then we switched and Dad slapped me on the back a few times for good measure.

"Dinner's nearly ready and," Mum leaned into me.

"Paddy's ready to talk upstairs." She whispered.

My eyes widened and I sprinted up, taking three steps in my stride until I was standing outside of his bedroom door.

I took a deep breath then knocked, "It's Tom."

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