4: Just One Look

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Tom's POV

I woke up to my alarm. I had an audition today. I tried to sit up in bed to turn the alarm off but the weight of Maddie's body held me down. I forgot she stayed over. I managed to slip out stealthily from underneath her and turn the alarm off and shaking my arm to get the pins and needles out of it.

I carefully jumped out of bed and put some boxers on as well as my grey joggers. I sat on my couch and scrolled through Instagram. A picture of Maddie came up from last night before we hooked up.

maddie_lopez01: done with uni for the night💤

I shuddered and moved past it. I forgot Maddie was that young. She was 20...in 7 months. I was fucking a teenager. Yes, she's 19 so it's legal and it's fine. But I kind of cringe at the thought of it. And she seems so young to have a 'regular fuck' kind of thing going on. I think this was the last time I would see her again.
I clicked on her profile.
She was really hot, though.

Okay no, that's not a justification.

"Tom?" She called out from the bed.

"Hey, Maddie." I cleared my throat and stood up.

I gathered her clothes up and handed them to her. She looked at me confused.

"I have an audition in an hour so..."

"Oh...right, I'll go. I have uni stuff to do anyway." She laughed awkwardly and I turned around so she could dress.

She gathered her things and I walked her out to her car.

"So Maddie I just want to be honest...I don't think we should see each other again." I swallowed, crossing my arms over my bare chest.

Even though it's summer, I forget I still live in London and standing outside shirtless is not a wise decision.

"W-What? You called me last night."

"I know but you're just so young I don't think I should be...having sex with you."

She scoffed, "You didn't seem to care about my age when you took me back to your place!" She shouted.

"Okay, yeah, that was stupid of me but I just...I don't see us working long-term."

"Tom, you are not the kind of guy that wants a long-term thing. Stop lying. You just don't want to fuck me anymore." She sniffled.

Was she...crying?

"Maddie I just don't want to see you anymore because you're really young and I didn't think it would freak me out this much but it does. You're a teenager and still in school!"

"I'm 19! I'm a legal adult!"

"Not in America, you're not!"

She scoffed, "You're an asshole, Tom." She stated before getting in her car and slamming the door.

I sighed and watched her angrily reverse out and skid away out of the car park.

I heard the door to the building open and I turned around. Bridget was seeing Colin out. He gave her an awkward kiss on the cheek then waved goodbye, walking to wherever his lift was.

She finally caught my eyes and sighed, waiting. I smiled weakly and walked over to her.

"So, how was your night last night?" I asked, walking over to her.

"I think you know." She smiled.

I stood a few feet from her on the road while she stood on the on the pavement. She had shorts and a strappy top on. Clearly no bra.

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