25: Verified

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(A/N: Okay, the start of this chapter is inspired by one of my favourite movies 'Before We Go' starring and directed by Mr Chris Evans I highly recommend you watch! But anyway, enjoy!)

Bridget's POV

Toms first go at the bath game was odd. I think he just didn't understand. We played a few rounds of it but ended up stopping and just lay together, listening to music.

I had started the game because all the way across the bath seemed too far for some reason. I needed to be closer to him. And then we stopped the game and we had never been so close; I was lying in between his legs, my head back on his chest as he caressed my bubbled legs.

After about 20 minutes and after my hands got well and truly pruned, we stepped out and dried off. We contemplated going straight to bed but neither of us wanted the night to end. We borrowed the fluffy, fresh laundry smelling hotel robes and put them on. I walked out of the bathroom and Tom and I looked at each other then burst into laughter.

"You look hot!" Tom laughed, clapping his hands.

"That robe is way too small for you!" I pointed out as the sleeves just got to his wrists.

"Oh, shut up. It's too big on you." He rolled his eyes.

I shook my head, "Dork."

We both sat on the bed in silence, wondering what to do.

"You know," I started.

Tom lifted his head as I spoke.

"I read an article one time that in hotels, there's this thing called 'hotel graffiti' and it's where-"

I got up and looked at the art pieces around the room.

"It's where people take the hotel art then on the back..." I lifted a picture off the wall and flipped it to show Tom.

I gasped, "This one has it! Okay, it's where people draw or write on the back of hotel art and it's so cool."

"What does it say?" Tom asked, squinting his eyes.

I walked back to the bed and sat down, looking at the back of the picture.

I smiled and read it aloud, "The rain falling reminds me of you, because it is falling hard and I am too."

I blushed slightly and turned it back around to Tom so he could look at it. He took it gently from my hands and stared down at it.

I watched him as he looked at it, curiosity filling his eyes.

I wonder if it spoke to him like it did me. If he thought, 'Wow, this reminds me of Bridget'. But obviously not. I had to stop thinking about that...

"That's so cool." He smiled.

"Do you want to do one?" I asked, biting my lip with a smile.

"What would we put?" Tom asked.

"Hmm." I thought about it for a few seconds.

"We could draw each other!" I gasped with a smile.

"No!" He laughed.

"What? Why?!" I pouted.

"I'm shit at drawing, darling."

I gulped at the nickname but moved past it, "Come on. It'll be fun. We can sign them and then in like 80 years when someone finds it they're gonna be selling it at an auction for millions of pounds."

"Why would they do that?"

"Because you're famous now, dork." I laughed.

"Oh yeah...forgot." He smiled.

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