13: I Won't Say I'm In...

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Toms POV

I waited impatiently in the waiting room at the hospital. I had went over some of the script and drank a whole bottle of water but I was nervous. I felt like a real adult which may sound stupid but I was bringing a friend to the hospital and she would now be dependent on me for the rest of the day. As I waited, I contemplated. It felt horrible leaving Bridget with that nurse knowing how nervous she was. We've only been going for 2 months but I already care a lot about her which is annoying in a good way.

"Sir? Miss Hope is awake." The nurse from earlier said softly next to me.

"Oh, great." I grabbed my stuff and followed the nurse through the hospital to the ward where Bridget was.

The nurse smiled and opened the blue, paper curtain, revealing Bridget lying in bed. Her hair was in a really messy bun which wasn't intentional and her eyes were dilated. She gasped when she saw me.

"Tom! Hi!" She exclaimed.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked with a grin, sitting beside her on the bed.

"I am fantastic! I feel so floaty." She whispered with wide eyed.

I laughed, "You're really high."

"High on life! Ugh, you were right! It wasn't bad at all, I didn't even feel anything!"

"That's good, I'm glad."

"Now when can we get out of here because I want to have sex with you." She whispered the last part, leaning forward towards me.

"We can't have sex, Bridge."

"What?! WHY?!" She shouted.

I placed a hand over her mouth, "Shh! You're in a hospital!" I whisper-shouted.

She smirked and licked the palm of my hand. I flinched and she giggled as I wiped my hand on my trousers.

"You're even more annoying on drugs." I sighed.

"I am never annoying I don't know what you're talking about." She said matter-of-factly, turning her head to the side and crossing her arms.

"Okay so you guys are ready to go I just need you to sign this and we can get you your clothes back!" The nurse came back with a clipboard.

She handed me the document and a pen and I signed my name for her release.

The nurse helped me get Bridget out of bed and I held her tightly around her waist while the nurse walked beside us.

"Nurse, can we have sex yet?" Bridget asked.

"Bridge!" I exclaimed.

The nurse laughed, "It's alright. And no. You shouldn't when you're on drugs, honey."

"That's no fun." Bridget huffed.

After Bridget changed, we said goodbye to the lovely nurse and went back out into the carpark and to her car.

"Okay, seatbelt on. Good." I checked her seatbelt then closed the passenger door and went to the drivers side, getting in.

"Ready to go?" I asked, putting my seatbelt on.

"Yeah, I guess." She sighed solemnly.

"What's wrong?"

"I wish we could fuck here instead." She said, looking down at her hands in her lap.

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