It's Brawl In The Family (Chapter 45)

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Ruby, for once in her life, struggled to keep up with someone as Weiss raced ahead of her, barging through people, much to their annoyance, to try and reach the courtyard as fast as possible.

Ruby: "Weiiiss! Slow down!" To her surprise that worked and Weiss stopped, allowing for Ruby to catch her breath next to her. "What is the big deal?! Who is she?!"

Weiss looked at Ruby with a giddy smile, something that looked somewhat out of place on her, before she pointed at the opening airship that had landed. Once the ramp touched the ground, several figures departed from it, four Atlas soldiers, two Atlesian Knights, and one white haired woman leading from the front who struck a remarkable resemblance to-

Weiss: "Winter!" She shouted, rushing forward causing Ruby's eyes to widen.

Ruby: "Wait! Your Sister?!" She asked, following after her partner.

Winter looked towards the noise and almost smiled at seeing her sister, it, however, caused her to have a look of indifference at the reunion. She held her arm up, signalling her escorts to stop from advancing further as she waited for her sister.

Weiss: "Winter! I'm so happy to see you! Oh..." She stopped and curtsied with Ruby raising an eyebrow. "Your presence honours us."

Winter: "Beacon... It's been a long time. The air feels... different." She said looking around, now stood next to the two partners.

Ruby: "I mean it is fall, so it's probably colder?" She nodded, almost thoughtfully, while Weiss was mortified and Winter peaked an eyebrow.

Winter: "You must be Ruby Rose, how appropriate..." She said, looking to Weiss who was biting her lip at the comment.

Ruby: "Umm, thank you? I think?"

Weiss: "So... what are you doing here?" Weiss failed to stop a smile creeping onto her face, while Winter just frowned.

Winter: "Classified."

Weiss: "Oh, right. Well, how long will you be staying?"

Winter: "Also classified." She narrowed her eyes at her sister.

Weiss: "Of course." She smiled and nodded while Ruby looked at the sisters in confusion.

Ruby: "This is nice... I think?"

It was silent for a few moments, Weiss clearly enamoured with her sister's presence while the elder, successfully, hid her amusement at Weiss's actions. Ruby kicked her partner's foot and, with a slight jump, Weiss rebooted.

Weiss: "You're going to love it here! I know you travel a lot, but so much of Beacon is different from Atlas!" She then dropped to a whisper. "Vale, too." She spoke almost as if it was a secret from the general population. "The government and school are completely separate! Can you believe it?! I-"

Winter: "I'm more than familiar with how this kingdom handles its... bureaucracy. That is not why I came." Her tone was disdainful and dismissive, almost like telling off a kid.

Weiss: "Right! I'm sorry!"

Winter: "Nor did I come here to watch my own blood fail so miserably in battle. But it appears that I have no choice in the matter." Both Ruby and Weiss were taken aback at this comment, having thought the fight went well.

Weiss: "But, we won?!"

Winter: "Only a novice would refer to that as a victory. I counted at least three strikes missed." She turned to her guards and gestured to the soldiers. "Leave us." The soldiers saluted and went back to the airship while the robots took 2 steps backwards. She then looked back towards her sister with a softer look. "How have you been?"

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