The Weekend (Chapter 41)

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(Y/N): "Ruby are you sure you want to do this?" You asked the red-tipped haired girl with a raised eyebrow.

Ruby: "Of course! We're dating, it's like my duty or something!" She said eagerly, her silver eyes shining in the light.

(Y/N): "But I could just take care of it myself-" You tried to dispute but the younger girl just interrupted you.

Ruby: "Abahbah! As long as we're together I will take care of it." She smiled confidently.

(Y/N): "Alright, if you're sure." You relented with a sigh.

Yang: "Will you two stop being so melodramatic and just get it over with." The blonde asked impatiently as she held the bridge of her nose.

(Y/N): "Yang! You can't rush this kind of thing."

Ruby: "Exactly! Weapons are a sacred thing! They're an extension of ourselves and to trust the repair of one's weapon to anyone else is to trust them with a part of your soul! Tell her Pyrrha!" Ruby pleaded with the redhead who just frowned.

Pyrrha: "Actually, I'm with Yang on this one. This all seems rather silly."

(Y/N): "Alright fine. Just please take care of her for me." You said, finally handing over the remains of your once great weapon.

Ruby: "I will." She nodded in a cute attempt to be serious.

(Y/N): "Actually, I was talking to Blake." You could almost hear glass shatter from Ruby's reality as the Faunus piped up.

Blake: "We'll be fine. You three go enjoy your date and leave us to ours."

Yang: "I mean is it even really a date if Weiss is there?"

Pyrrha: "Yang that's rude-" She was cut off by the door creaking open.

Weiss: "Are you done?" She asked poking her head into the room. "Finally! Now come on if we don't leave now we will miss the airship." She left the room again, no doubt growing more impatient.

(Y/N): "But ultimately true." You sighed and stood up taking one last look at the broken weapon that now lay in Ruby's hands. "I love you."

Ruby: "I-I-" Her face exploded into multiple shades of red as the rest of you looked on in amusement as her brain shut down.

(Y/N): "Well I don't have the heart to say I was originally talking about (W/N) so we better go." You said as you followed Yang and Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: "Have fun you two."

Yang: "Don't do anything I would do!"

Blake: "Yea sure, have fun."

You closed the door as the three of you left, much to the Ice Queens delight.

Weiss: "Quickly or else it will leave without us!" She said as she started down the corridor, the three of you following after her.

Yang: "One might mistake Weiss as excited to go along with us."

(Y/N): "Well her alternative was hanging out with Jaune..."

Pyrrha: "He has seemed to taken a liking to her." She said happily.

Yang: "That she does not reciprocate." Pyrrha frowned slightly, disappointed for her friend.

(Y/N): "Anyway, what have we got planned for today? I hope not another shopping trip..."

Yang: "Why not? You seemed to enjoy the last one." She said with a smirk as your mind began to wander.

Pyrrha: "I wonder why... nevertheless I believe Weiss planned the majority of the first half of today."

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