Storm. (Chapter 50.)

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The fight lasted 2 minutes and 27 seconds after which Penny Polendina was dead.

You were stunned into inaction, the gravity and severity of the situation was now plain and clear. As you stared at the Queen piece on your scroll you barely acknowledged the monologue Cinder was giving, her chiding and disappointed tone was masking her true emotion.

The satisfaction of her victory. 

You didn't know when her speech ended or notice the alarm bells begin to chime doom, but you did hear the screams in the hall and that finally brought you back to the new reality.

(Y/N): "YANG!" You yelled, launching to your feet and bursting through not only your door, but the blonde's as well.

She was in a similar state of shock and disbelief, but already arming herself to go out. She looked at you with wide eyes and pulled you in for a hug, one you happily returned. She then pushed the hug apart in panic.

Yang: "We need to find everyone."

(Y/N): "Pyrrha, Jaune and the others are at the arena-"

Yang: "So is Ruby!"

(Y/N): "What about Blake and Weiss?"

Yang: "They went to the fair! I tried calling them but the network's down."

(Y/N): "Fuck, we'll need to split up. I'll go to the arena, do you have your scroll?"

Yang: "Here, but what good is it?"

(Y/N): "I'm gonna use your locker to get up there. Network is down but if I guess the general area…" Yang gave you a concerned look. "Listen, I'm the one you have to worry the least about right now. I'll always come back to you all."

Yang: "Doesn't mean I'm not allowed to worry."

(Y/N): "Alright." You bared a smile. "You go get Blake & Weiss, we will all meet back up at the main bullhead landing pad." Now all of the fire evacuation drills didn't seem so stupid.

Yang: "Got it. Just stay in one piece?"

(Y/N): "Only if you do." You smirked giving her one last kiss before the two of you ran in opposite directions.

Sprinting through the halls you came to the locker rooms, noticing that several lockers were taking off already, looking for Yang's you quickly found it. Tapping the scroll to it opened the door and allowed you inside, unceremoniously dumping the clothes onto the floor as you did. Inside the dull silver box you inputted a rough guess as to the location of the floating arena, and with a click of a button you felt yourself get propelled through the air.

After a minute of travel you braved a look through the grating and realised you were way off course. You were going to miss the arena by a mile. Trying to open the door you found that it was locked, probably for safety purposes to prevent items from flying out. Seeing no other choice, you braced against the wall and kicked hard. Once, twice, three times, on the fourth it finally buckled and snapped away, almost causing you to fall out immediately.

Grasping the sharded metal you felt it bite into your skin and rip. You were now dangling out of a rocket propelled locker hundreds of feet off the ground. But at least you could see. However, to your horror, all you witnessed was a horde of Grimm invading from the surrounding areas of Beacon. The screeches and cries of Human and Grimm echoing throughout the air. Your moment of grief was interrupted by yet more bad news as you were splashed with liquid, more precisely fuel, from the line you had cut kicking the door out.

Gritting your teeth as the wind whipped away at you, you slowly let go of one side of the locker to reach and grab Yang's scroll. Pulling up the locker controller you found a series amber and red warning for the haphazard transport, dismissing them was difficult but after you had you were able to steer the locker back towards the arena. But just as you got into airspace the rocket sputtered and cut out, and you began to fall. 

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