The Initiation (Chapter 5)

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[First Posted - 26/08/18 Edited - 28/08/19]

Your POV
You were sleeping peacefully, something that rarely happened for you, as was everyone else. No teacher had dared disturb the group of teens slumber, it would be suicide. The thing that would wake everyone would be the gentle glow of the sun as it slowly crept into the room...


Or one hyperactive ginger... if looks could kill, she'd have multiple funerals.

Grumbling, as you got up you looked down at Jaune, who was currently covering his ears as he tried to go back to sleep, you gave him a quick kick to the side that finally relented that attempt.

Looking over at 'Hyper' again you saw her dragging a guy with pink highlights in his hair across and out of the room, you felt sorry for the bloke really, he probably goes through this daily.

After packing up your stuff you wandered away from Jaune, slowly heading towards the changing rooms, stopping to give Yang and Ruby a nod as you walked past, the latter gave a heartwarming smile while the former looked you up and down with a smirk, neither of which you objected too.

Moving onwards you watched the ginger continusly irritate her freind and almost everyone around her throughout the morning routine, she'd probably be fine if you weren't still half asleep though. Pulling on your coat, after getting dressed you walked past the two and heard something about bribing Ozpin, you'd tried that before it did not go well.

Eventually you stumbled on quite the spectacle, Jaune flirting. Or at least attempting too. You had been on your scroll when you saw the blonde attempting to chat up the Schnee, seemingly having just caught the beginning of the disaster.

Jaune: "You know what's also great, me, Jaune Arc, nice to meet you."

An involuntary groan passed your lips as he continued to try and fail to get anywhere with Weiss, especially after he ignored the spartan who at the very least seemed somewhat interested in him.

Weiss: "This is Pyhrra, she graduated top of her class at sanctum."

Pyrrha: "Hello again." She smiled sweetly.

Jaune: "Never heard of it."

Weiss: "She won the Mistral regional tournament 4 years in a row, a new record."

(Y/N): "Really?" You said possibly a bit louder and sarcastic than you meant to, all three heads turned to you as you walked over unwillingly.

Weiss: "Of course you wouldn't kno-" She was about to lecture you, getting into a stance and everything but you quickly shut that down.

(Y/N): "Yea, shut up." Your gaze sharpened onto the red-head whose emerald orbs gazed into your own eyes, seemingly overjoyed by the lack of recognition. "You won the Mistral tournament? 4 times?"

Pyrrha: "Yep... it's not really a big deal..." Her eyes dropped down to the floor, almost embarrassed.

(Y/N): "Yea your right." This shocked the three of them, possibly not Jaune from a lack of knowledge. "The only way to know if you're really any good is to see you in action myself." A smile crept onto Pyrrha's face.

Pyrrha: "I suppose that is the best way! Well then I look forward to meeting you on the fields of battle one day..." She trailed off, waiting for a name you forgot you hadn't delivered.

(Y/N): "(Y/N) (L/N), and likewise..."

Pyrrha: "Pyrrha Nikos."

Weiss: "Pyrrha, a little help." Your meeting was cut short as you both turned and saw Jaune getting a bit too close to Weiss.

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