Friends (Chapter 18)

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Groggily, your eyes fluttered open. It was darker than when you had slipped into unconsciousness and during that time you had somehow gained a knife in the heart, probably due to Roman trying to kill you when you were knocked out. Biting your hand to muffle any sound you pulled the knife out, sticky red blood coated it and your shirt, discarding the knife you tried your best to make it unnoticeable under your coat.

Standing slowly you took in your surroundings and found it could've only been 10 minutes since you went under so it was more than likely Blake and Ruby were still around. Attempting to stay strong and mask your injury you strode out into the open.

(Y/N): "Ruby?! Blake?! Penny?!" The shout echoed for a moment before there was a response.

Ruby: "(Y/N)! Over here!" Rushing over you found the red hooded girl alongside the rest of team RWBY.

Blake: "There you are we've been looking everywhere."

(Y/N): "You're one to talk."

Blake: "Yes I know and I'm sorry, I just want to say that while I was once-" You shut her up by embracing her in a hug, something that came as a surprise to the 4.

(Y/N): "Listen it's fine I'm sure you had your reasons and I hope next time you can tell us- Oh are those your ears? There so adorable!" Your heartfelt speech was interrupted as you spotted Blake's ears. Trying to remember something Qrow taught you started scratching behind Blake's ears causing her to involuntary purr much to her own embarrassment.

Blake: "Pppplease ssstop." She was as red as Ruby's cape and you could swear there was a bit of drool coming from her mouth but you stopped nonetheless.

(Y/N): "Oh, sorry."

Yang: "You have to teach me how to do that."

(Y/N): "I've known you long enough to know I can't trust you with that power." Yang pouted.

Weiss: "So where were you? When we got here you were nowhere to be seen."

(Y/N): "Well I was one on one with Roman but he got lucky and got away."

Blake: "You didn't have to do that me and Sun had that under control."

(Y/N): "I save your life and you can't give me a little credit?"

Blake: "I'm sorry... I just don't want you to get hurt." Your gaze softened for a second.

(Y/N): "I'm fine Blake. It wasn't your fault."

Ruby: "What wasn't?"

(Y/N): "Uhhh that Weiss is racist?"

Weiss: "I'm not racist!"

(Y/N): "Not anymore."

Weiss hit you square in the chest causing you to double over and fall to the floor as ripples of pain flew through you.

(Y/N): *Muttering* "Shit, fuck, crap, bollocks..."

Ruby: "(Y/N) are you sure you weren't hurt?" Looking up you noticed the extreme amount of concern registering on all of there faces.

(Y/N): "Me? Heh yea... She just shocked me is all..." Standing up slowly you moved your hands away from your chest awkwardly. "See I'm fine!"

Blake: "If you need to go to the infirmary we can take-"

(Y/N): "I said I'm fine!" Silence overtook you all. Sighing you embraced the cat again. "Listen all I want to do is go back to Beacon get into bed and read a good book. Now we can either do that together or I can do it alone."

Blake: "I think together would be nicer."

You nodded and broke apart. Leading the way back to the academy you didn't notice the 4 behind you exchange glances.

{Timeskip brought to you by Mock Exams slowly killing me.}

You and Blake sat on her bed under the covers reading. The small light you had, that you used to share between you two, lit up the page you were reading as you now knew Blake had no use for it. Turning the last page you had finally finished volume 1 in the series.

(Y/N): "Well that ending seemed rushed."

Blake: "A little but I'm sure the writer had their reasons."

(Y/N): "I guess, maybe the next volume will be better."

Blake: "So are you really okay?"

(Y/N): "Hmm?"

Blake: "When Weiss hit you... that wasn't luck you looked like you had just been killed."

(Y/N): "I swear I'm fine stop worrying about me." You pulled the covers off and carefully made your way to the door and opened it.

Blake: "But I have to... I care about you." You stopped and looked at her in the dark with a genuine smile.

(Y/N): "Thank you Blake..."

Walking out and closing the door you clutched at your recovered chest.

(Y/N): "But I think you're wasting your time."

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