Protectors? (Chapter 27)

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Opening your eyes you were temporarily surprised to find yourself in a proper bed once again, until you realised that it was in your dorm and it was Pyrrha's bed. Over the past few days she had insisted that you stay in her bed so you could sleep peacefully instead of suffer from nightmares. Reluctantly, you had accepted, not completely convinced that it was to stop your nightmares as much as to keep you close.

Pyrrha, along with Blake, Yang and even Ruby, had changed slightly. One of them was always with you, discounting when you changed or went to the bathroom, they played it off as just hanging out but anyone could see past that, it's almost as if they were protecting you. Ever since the training incident no one other than your friends looked at you or Ruby the same, however a simple glare or glance was enough to dissuade any action.

Pulling away from Pyrrha, who at some point during the night had ended up hugging you close, you changed and began cooking breakfast for your team, pancakes of course. A quiet clatter of pans and plates awoke the remainder of your friends, Nora, of course, was first up quickly rushing to eat the glorious golden delicacy she had become so accustomed too.

(Y/N): "Morning to you too Nora." You said shaking your head while eating your own food.

The other three trudged over and ate their own provisions, having to snatch it away from the demonically hungry Nora. Staring at Jaune cogs turned in your head quietly before it clicked.

(Y/N): "You've been slacking on training." This caught the blondes attention but also the red head in gold armour.

Jaune: "How do you mean?"

(Y/N): "When was the last time you trained on the roof?"

Jaune: "Oh uh hehe..."

(Y/N): "After last class get up there."

Jaune: "Yes sir..."

Pyrrha: "I'll come too!"

(Y/N): "You don't have to do that-"

Pyrrha: "Nonsense, It will be no bother."

(Y/N): "Well alright."

Breakfast continued on in some idle chatter until eventually it was time for the first class. You didn't share it with any of them so you waved goodbye and left the dorm. Walking just a few steps away from the room, another door opened and something jumped onto your back.

Ruby: "Good morning!" She said happily making you give her a piggyback. "Onward to class!"

(Y/N): "Good morning to you too." You said, rolling your eyes and started walking to the class.

Ruby: "So what are you going to work on with your weapon?" She asked curiously like an adorable dork.

(Y/N): "I think I'm going to try and fine tune the dust mechanism, it uses far too much than I like."

Ruby: "Oh that's cool... I'm going to work on speeding up Crescent Roses transformation."

Ruby inelegantly jumped off your back, dragged you inside the workshop class and pulled you to your seat next to her. She then, quite happily, pulled out her scythe and began tinkering. You did much the same, pulling out (W/N) and starting to mess with the dust mechanisms of your revolver. There was some idle chatter or an odd comment on a component but nothing too important, not until Ruby looked from her scythe to your chest.

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