Training with Qrow (Chapter 6)

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[First Posted - 27/08/18 Edited - ]
2 Years Ago
Your POV

The sun hung in a clear blue sky casting a gentle glow into the clearing that you and Qrow had been staying at for the last few days for training. The surrounding area was filled with the sound of a tree being repeatedly struck by wood and the words 'again' and 'faster'. This had been a common occurrence after Qrow agreed to take you under his wing a month ago.

You slashed your wooden sword against the tree in a few fluid movements before pausing to breathe and get a verdict.

Qrow: Not good enough, again.

Trying to suppress your anger you struck the tree again multiple times. Splintering the tree and your sword from the power of the impact. You stopped again breathing heavily this time.

Qrow: You'll need to be faster than that to travel with me. Again.

You growled and smashed the blade against the tree creating a crack through the blade rendering it useless. Looking over at Qrow, he shrugged.

Qrow: We will have to work on your dodging instead then, it's all well and good being able to dish out hits but if you can't avoid your opponents you're doomed.

He pulled out his sword and signalled you to come towards him. You both got into position and he swung his blade you narrowly dodged the horizontal swipe but got caught out by the vertical one.
So you for back up and did it again. You ducked the swipe then sidestepped the slash but your feet were swept from underneath you with a kick making you land on your back.
Getting back up you repeated the action and added a jump over the leg sweep. That seemed to satisfy Qrow so that's what you two did for the next hour until you finally slipped up due to exhaustion.

Qrow: Take five get a water and then get ready for hand to hand.

(Y/N): Or maybe we could oh I dunno stop?

Qrow: You're doing very well (Y/N) but with an attitude like that you won't be able to travel with me.

(Y/N): Why not I could just stay out of the way, hide behind a tree or something.

Saying this you heard something crack and a small branch hit you on your head.

Qrow: Listen kid, I'm not doing this because I hate you or want to torture you it's because I don't want you to get hurt because of...

He cut himself off.

Qrow: Just get some water.

Looking at your mentor a bit concerned you went over to your supplies and got some water. From what he said it seemed like Qrow was trying to protect you from something. After a very small break you both got into position.

Bouncing on your feet side to side you threw a punch at Qrow, which he moved his head to avoid, he quickly retaliated with an uppercut, this made you stumble back. Steadying yourself you see Qrow throw another punch which you try to catch but the punch easily knocks you back.

Qrow: There is no dishonour in avoiding a hit (Y/N).

You simply nodded and stood back up. Running at Qrow you faked a sucker punched but went into a uppercut and when he caught it you tried kicking his legs from beneath him, to which he twisted your arm behind your back causing you to go to your knees in front of him. Sighing Qrow was about to say something when you flipped him over your body making him land on his back and release your arm. He was stunned for a second then he spoke.

Qrow: Cheap shot I was about to try and teach you something.

(Y/N): I think you once said to me 'always use your opponents hesitations against them'.

This caused him to smirk.

Qrow: So you are listening.

(Y/N): Of course.

You helped Qrow up even if he didn't need it. Qrow thought for a second before saying.

Qrow: Well since you beat me in something we can pack up early if you want.

This caused you too stop for a moment there had never been any offer like this before was it actually because you won or because you complained. Looking to Qrow you could see the disappointment on his face due to your hesitation so you made up your mind.

(Y/N): Actually I wouldn't mind if we trained just a bit more maybe on the dodging again?

This made Qrow stop and genuinely smile.

Qrow: All right kid let's see watcha got.

{A few months later}

You narrowly leaned under Qrows swipe and quickly back flipped over his swinging feet then turning you body to avoid a punch and then jumping into a roll to avoid another swipe. Springing up you moved your head to avoid a punch before taking the opening and kneeing him in the chest.
He quickly recovered however and swiped at you feet to which you jumped up and landed on his blade before doing a backflip kicking him in the face. You heard the cocking of a shotgun and turning around landed you face to face with the barrel.

Qrow: I'm impressed.

(Y/N): I learned from the best, shame you weren't around that day.

This made Qrow fake being hurt and be over dramatic.

Qrow: Oh woah is me my star pupil betrayed me and sought another teacher. I don't know how I can go on so with this elixir I die.

Qrow proceeded to drink from his flask and then fall to the floor but making sure the contents didn't spill, much to your amusement. Qrow soon got bored and stood up before getting an idea.

Qrow: Here have some kid you've earned it.

Qrow handed you the flask and you took a drink and then another and then another one. You were about to take more before he took it off you.

Qrow: Now try to hit me I'll stay still.

Shrugging you ran at him but completely missed as your vision blurred causing you to fall to you back. Qrow stood over you taking another drink.

Qrow: Next training session is alcohol resistance.

The rest of the night was a blur to you.

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