Thoughts and Threats (Chapter 47)

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Qrow shouted the question again, Ozpin now stood between the two other men, as Ironwood held his broken nose. After Ironwood's repeated dismissal of (Y/N)'s location things had gotten heated, fast.

Ozpin: "Qrow, stand down!"

Qrow: "Oh, don't you give me that crap! We both know why he won't tell me! Cause he knows that I'll get him off that ship and out his clutches!"

Ironwood: "As far as I am aware, my professionals are still working on him. Removing him now would not help."

Qrow: "I have a shotgun solution on my hip, and I'm getting tempted to use it now, unless you tell me which ship he's on!"

Ozpin: "James, he is still a student of Beacon-"

Ironwood: "There are 10 warrants out for his arrest due to past crimes and he is on Atlas territory, as per the Atlas-Vale jurisdiction agreements. I have every right to keep him right where he is."

Qrow: "He's on our side!"

Ironwood: "Then there is no problem!"

Ozpin: "I suggest you leave Qrow, I'll sort this matter."

Qrow: "But-"

Ozpin: "Now."

Ironwood: "And don't even think about trying to get on any of those ships."

Meanwhile, on the Atlas Medship.

Your eyes shot open, scorching white light flooding your vision like water, as you gasped for precious air.

Your body convulsed upwards as you awoke, only to be held in place. You could feel thick leather binding your arms to the bed you were laid in.

Your heart rate rapidly increased as you looked around, viciously pulling at the bindings. It was too familiar, you couldn't be back there, you had destroyed it.


Guttural screams echoed from you, as the leather began to tear, the bed frame bending to try and keep you trapped. It was as if the whole room was getting smaller, the air getting heavier, as you heard two familiar voices begin to taunt you.

John: "Subject 42..." The figment spouted, a demonic edge creeping in.

Tia: "How about another test..?" She too had seemingly been corrupted, her voice like nails to your ears.

Both voices got louder and closer as you began to violently convulse against the restraints, going full fight mode in panic. You heard the echoing of guns cocking, not entirely aware of where from.

Tia/John: "42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42-"

Penny: "(Y/N)!" Tia and John's voices dissipated as you felt Penny pull you into a hug, your restraints now cut free.

Penny was surprised at the strength of which (Y/N) hugged back, almost as if he was clutching on for his life, afraid she would disappear if he let go. She felt him cry onto her blouse but didn't make any move to pull away.

10 armed guards kept their guns trained on the pair, but some of them weren't sure if they would have the heart to fire now. The squad leader looked towards the observation chamber glass, which turned clear to show a Doctor signalling for them to leave before dimming back to a mirror again. The guards left the two there, unsure of what exactly made the crying boy a threat.

Penny detected (Y/N) calming down, his sobs decreasing to an occasional whimper as he took deep breaths, his heartrate also returning to normal. He didn't pull away however and instead shuffled closer so he could whisper to her.

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