Subject 42 (Chapter 1)

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[First Posted - 6/08/18 Edited - 23/07/19]

2 Years Ago
Your POV

Your eyes shot open, scorching white light flooding your vision like water, as you gasped for precious air.
Your body convulsed upwards as you awoke, only to be held in place. You could feel thick leather binding your arms to the bed you were laid in.

Suddenly, you heard voices talking as your sense of sound returned, at the same time as your vision cleared, you became acutely aware of two people standing over you both in ice white lab coats.
Quickly slowing down your breathing in an effort to calm yourself, memories returned to your mind in quick searing flashes.

The tall and thin man was John and the slightly pudgy woman was Tia, they were the lead researchers of the 'Aura Inversion Program', a science program supposedly focused on unlocking the potential of aura.
You had been emitted to the program little more than a year ago now after you had killed too many of the neighbours cats with a 'flaring aura'.
Your parents had insisted they be there to watch the first 'treatment' and after hearing your blood-curdling screams of pure agony they had tried to free you from your hell. They had failed and that left you in the hands of the program and their twisted desires.

Tears began to well in your eyes but you shook them aside, now was not a time to show weakness. Not in front of them. You decided it was best to listen in on their conversation.

John: "Doctor Tia, please note that at 4:20 PM that Subject 42 has succeeded in test 65 and once again came back from the dead." The pudgy woman scribbled something hurriedly on her clipboard as the man leered down at you with a grin. He quickly dropped the look as you stared back at him blankly, deciding that his time was better served on his co-worker. "There are 4 more tests to be completed on 42 then we can mark the whole program as a success." They all refused to address you by name. You liked to believe, if they said it, they'd be overcome with guilt.

Tia: "But is it worth it John?" She asked doubtfully. "Look at what we've done! All that death in pursuit of a hypothesis!" You had been hopeful, once, that this remorse might have led to her helping you escape but she was always easily swayed.

John: "But it's not a hypothesis anymore, Tia, it's proven! 42 is living proof that the aura inversion program works! Soon enough Atlas will be begging for our research, giving us all the money we want just for the plans alone." Tia's lust for money quickly destroyed her morality as she began taking readings off the machines you were hooked up to.

Tia: "Excellent, 42 seems to have already fully recovered."

John: "Perfect, then we can push ahead of schedule. Transfer him to the water chamber."

Tia: "Doing it now."

She discarded her clipboard onto a table nearby and approached your bed. She quickly began detaching the probes and reading machines attached to you, clearly eager to move on with her tests. She almost forgot to handcuff you after she had removed your restraints. Almost.

Bringing you off the bed, you couldn't help a sharp intake of breath as your feet touched ice cold concrete, a shiver unwillingly running up your spine. One shaky step after another you were eventually moved out of the clinical room you were in and out to a long corridor that had no decoration, just bleak and blank grey walls.

You were pushed along silently, as Tia no doubt recounted the ways she could spend her side of the profit from your suffering. You marched ahead stoically, not wishing to draw attention as you continued to draw out your escape plan.

After a few minutes of walking, looking to your left, you saw the generator control room behind a thin glass wall that was purely for looks rather than safety.
You had learnt enough about the facility you were locked up in to know that if you could overload the generator that powered the facility it would blow, along with all of the battery backups scattered throughout the many rooms in the area. If you could do this the whole facility would go in one enormous explosion.

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